History, Philosophy and Heritage of Science and Tecnology

Education objectives

The objectives of the PhD Programme in History, Philosophy and Heritage of Science and Technology:

  1. Fostering a culture of science and technology, with a matrix that allows to understand the historical importance and influence of science and technology in European society;
  2. Understand and contextualize the conjunctures in which technological innovation was promoted and has evolved into Portuguese society;
  3. Recognize and identify the scientific and technological heritage Portuguese being able to contextualize in space and time considering the history of science and technology in Portugal and the historical context in which they occur;
  4. Study, evaluate and disseminate, to ensure their conservation, scientific and technological heritage Portuguese

Students will be accommodated at the Centre for History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, the research unit of recognized national and international levels.

General characterization

DGES code



PhD (3rd Cycle)



Access to other programs

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Isabel Maria da Silva Pereira Amaral

Opening date



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It depends on the working method of each training course. The working time for the classes will be agreed with each PhD student, or when there are more than 10 students in each year, it will be agreed with all students of the programme.


Teaching language

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Degree pre-requisites

Duration: 3 years

Credits: 180 ECTS

Mandatory scientifc areas

Scientific Area Acronym ECTS
Mandatory Optional
History, Philosophy and Heritage of Science and Technology HFCT 174 -
General History HG 6 -
TOTAL 180 0

Conditions of admittance

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Evaluation rules

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