Solid Mechanics


To provide basic knowledge about the representation of the stress and strain state in a solid body subject to applied forces and torques. Apply that knowledge to the study of linear members with applied forces and torques, axial and transversal. Topics such as statically indeterminate problems; buckling of the beam due to axial loading or the application of some energy methods, are also covered.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

António José Freire Mourão, Helena Victorovna Guitiss Navas


Weekly - 4

Total - 67

Teaching language



It is strongly recommended that students have obtained frequency/approval for the discipline Applied Mechanics I.


Mechanics of Materials, 3rd Edition Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr. e John T. deWolf - McGraw-Hill

Mecânica dos Materiais-C. Moura Branco-Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian

AppliedMechanicsofMaterials-J. E.Shigley-McGraw-Hill

Teaching method

Theoretical Lectures:

Oral explanation of subjects. A review of subjects addressed in the previous lecture will be done at the beginning of each lecture. At the end of each lecture will be done a summary of the main themes given.

Practical Lessons:

Resolve problems, examples and practical cases, with the pupils. The problems solved are concerned to subjects addressed in the previous theoretical lectures.

Evaluation method

a) All students are admitted to the exam.
b) The continuous assessment of students is done through 2 tests and 1 work.
c) Test 1 - April 7 (class T1 at 11 am and class T2 at 2 pm)
(35% of the final grade)
d) Test 2 - May 12 (class  T1 at 11 am and class T2 at 2 pm)
(35% of the final grade)
e) The work is carried out in groups of 4 - 5 students. Each group should send their work to and by midnight on June 5th. Deliveries up to 30 minutes late will be penalized by a 1 value; between 30 min and one hour will be penalized with 2 values; works sent later than one hour will not be accepted.
(30% of the final grade)
f) Note of exemption from examination: weighted average ≥ 10.
g) The test and exam are without consultation. During its realization the use of mobile phones or other devices that can be connected to the internet is not allowed

Subject matter

Study the Mechanical Behaviour of Materials and work out practical cases concerning to Stress and Strain of prismatic members, in the elastic domain, including the following main subjects:Elasticity: Concept of stress – Normal and Shearing stress – and related Strains; Tensile test of metallic materials; Residual stresses and deformations; Factor of Safety.Representation of plane stress in Mohr''''''''s Circle for stress; Principal Directions and Principal Stress; Relation between Axial Strain and Transversal Strain. Superposition Principle; Multiaxial Loading; Generalized Hooke''''''''s law. Young''''''''s modulus and Poisson''''''''s ratioDimensioning of mechanical members; Dimensioning of Bolts, Pins and Rivets connections


Programs where the course is taught: