Metrology and Measurement Systems


  • To recognize the importance of metrology, at national level, international and enterprise level.
  • To develop and follow an accreditation process of a laboratory.
  • To provide the knowledge associated to measurement uncertainty and the ability to prepare calibration procedures.
  • To analyse measurement systems utilizing statistical methods, namely the Taguchi Methods applied to the metrological control.
  • To provide the ability to develop calibration procedures.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Ana Sofia Leonardo Vilela de Matos


Weekly - 4

Total - 80

Teaching language



Available soon


Instituto Português da Qualidade (2018), NP EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 - Requisitos gerais de competência para laboratórios de ensaio e calibração, IPQ, Monte de Caparica.

VIM-Vocabulário Internacional de Metrologia (2012), 1ª Ed. Luso-Brasileira, IPQ, Monte de Caparica (disponível na net).

Several tutorial documents are available on the class web page.

Teaching method

In lectures the expositive method is adopted to present concepts, methods and models. Oral questions are frequently made for prerequisite control, knowledge assessment and stimulate students’ participation.

In laboratory sessions the experimental method is adopted. Active methods are used. In-class exercises are solved and 2 group assignments are performed in the laboratory. Frequently teamwork is used.

Evaluation method

Theoretical matter, concepts and solved exercises are done in the theoretical lectures. The first group work (presentation of a topic) will be held in the lecture. The practical lectures take place in the laboratory and students solve exercises and perform two laboratory work.

Admission to final exam - the final exam is restricted to students who had made three practical works (groups of 4 or 5 students). A minimum classification of 10 points is required in each work (20% 1º and 2º work and 30% 3º work). The above requirements are valid for the following school year, if necessary.

Approval and final classification in the course takes into consideration the following components: (1) three practical works, (2) one assessment test (30% each test) or final exame (30%).

The final classification is obtained from the classifications of the four components, or exame and the three practical works.

Subject matter

Importance of Metrology (guidelines; support levels; documentation; National and International organizations).

Quality and Metrology (tools; structures; assurance).

Metrology Laboratories (laboratory obligation; accreditation of laboratories (NP EN ISO 17025:2018). 

Validation of Experimental Results (International System of units; detection of outliers - Dixon method, confidence interval method and Grubbs method; detection of outliers in inter-laboratory comparison - Cochran and Dixon methods).

Uncertainty of measurement (classification of measurement errors; determination of measurement uncertainty; tolerance and acceptance criteria; periodicity of calibrations).

Analysis of Measurement Systems (the study of linearity, accuracy, and stabilities of the measuring instrument, the study of Repeatability and Reproducibility (R & R)).


Programs where the course is taught: