Electric Installations
Ability to calculate and design either domestic or industrial electrical installations.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
João Francisco Alves Martins
Weekly - 4
Total - 80
Teaching language
- Regras Técnicas das Instalações Eléctricas de Baixa Tensão. (Portaria n.o 949-A/2006 de 11 de Setembro)
- Instalações Eléctricas de Baixa Tensão - Projecto, Execução e Exploração. Constantino Soares. CERTIEL.
- Técnicas e Tecnologias em Instalações Eléctricas. L. M. Vilela Pinto. CERTIEL.
- Guia Técnico das Instalações Eléctricas. Josué Morais e José Pereira. CERTIEL, 2006.
- Tabelas Técnicas das Instalações Eléctricas. Hilário Nogueira e Josué Morais. CERTIEL.
- InstalExpress. L. M. Vilela Pinto. CERTIEL.
- Instalações Eléctricas de Baixa Tensão – Projecto, Execução e Exploração – Constantino Soares – CERTIEL, 2006
Teaching method
Theoretical and practical classes; study visits; design guidance
Evaluation method
The assessment is done by designing a project (divided into two parts - two group (max 5 elements) assignments: 20% + 30%) and the resolution of two individual written examinations (20% + 30%).
The group assignements will considered as "frequência".
A minimal grade of 9,5 in each evaluation components (project + written examinations) is required.
IMPORTANT NOTE: In the assessement of the assignments, the questions can be asked only to one student and the same grade will apply for the whole group. All students should be aware of all aspects of the work.
Subject matter
- Technical Rules for Low Voltage Electrical Installations.
- Standardization, symbology and equipment. (complement to DAC course)
- Load balance. Installed, useful and contracted power. Minimum and recommended power. Usage, simultaneity and evolution ratios.
- Supply network structure.
- Luminous calculation. Luminaire’s polar diagrams. (complement to DAC course)
- Electrical circuits. Conductors and cables. Design of electrical conductors. Cabling protection. Electrical drives.
- Neutral schemes. Ground electrodes. Protection and service ground. Protecting People.
- Switchboards.
- Emergency supply and emergency groups.
- Power quality. Power factor correction. Building Management Systems. (breif notions)