Integrated Telecommunications Networks II
Advanced knowledge on Internet services and remote procedure call protocols.
Fundamentals of network security algorithms.
Knowledge of network security systems and their limitations.
Basic knowledge of network management systems.
Familiarization with different multimedia coding standards and RTCP report usage.
Knowledge of representative state of art systems (e.g. Replication solutions for web servers, etc.).
To Do
Develop HTTP protocol based applications using Java socket interface.
Develop network multimedia applications using the Java Media Framework.
Develop Web based applications usando RESTFull APIs and Websockets using JavaScript.
Analyse the application state using network protocol analysers (wireshark).
Non-technical capabilities
Capability and posture for critical thinking.
Capacity to do substantiated choices.
Capacity of time management and schedule fulfilment
Capacity for teamwork and for co-operation in a team.
Posture of demand and quality.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Luís Filipe Lourenço Bernardo, Paulo da Costa Luís da Fonseca Pinto
Weekly - 4
Total - 56
Teaching language
Available soon
1. A. Tanenbaum and D.J. Wetherall, "Computer Networks", 5ª ed, Prentice-Hall, 2011. ISBN: 0-13-038488-7
2. L. L. Peterson and B. S. Davie, "Computer Networks: A System Approach" 5ª ed, Morgan Kaufmann, 2011. ISBN: 0-12-385059-2.
3. Several tutorial papers available on the class web page.
Teaching method
The classes try to give students a solid theoretical formation complemented with practical experience on some of the subjects. The two hours of weekly lecturing classes include an average of one and a half theory exposition hours and thirty practical minutes, composed by resolution of exercises and demonstrations of the use of the learned systems (e.g. DNS and Apache configuration). In the two laboratory weekly hours the students learn about two development environments and implement two projects where the work deeply on two subjects: the web technology and the use of multimedia distributed applications in telecommunication networks.
Evaluation method
The final grade has a theoretical component and a practical component, weighting respectively 50% and 50%. Students are approved if they have a minimum grade of 9 for each component and a total grade of 10. Theoretical assessment approval can be accomplished in a distributed form, through two mid-term tests (without minimal grade), or in a centralised form, through a final exam. Practical assessment approval can be accomplished by implementing two laboratory works. The assessment of the laboratory projects is accomplished in group discussions with individual grades, covering the theoretical and practical aspects of the project.
Subject matter
The Application Layer
1. DNS - Domain Name System
2. Electronic mail
3. FTP - File Transfer Protocol
4. The Word Wide Web
5. Peer-to-peer applications
6. Multimedia applications
7. Content Distribution Networks
Web applications
1. Introduction to distributed systems
2. Design of RPC protocols
3. Presentation formatting standards
4. Exemples for Web App development Remote APIs, JSON, AJAX and real time communication WebSockets
Network Security
1. Cryptography
2. Symmetric-Key Algorithms
3. Public-Key Algorithms
4. Digital Signatures
5. Management of Public Keys
6. Communication Security
7. Authentication Protocols
8. E-Mail Security
9. Web security