Instrumental Methods of Analysis


The curricular unit aims to provide the fundamentals in the field of  analytical chemistry techniques commonly used in the laboratory: spectroscopy, spectrometry and electrochemistry, but sometimes only in optics user. It is thus intended that the student understand the phenomena in its origin enabling them to intervene in the future, both in terms of technical development or in the interpretation of experimental data.

As specific objectives: i) the concept of electromagnetic radiation interaction with matter;  ii) fundamentals of atomic and molecular spectroscopy with a focus on UV-Vis, IR and Fluorescence iii)  basics of espectrophotometry, graphite furniture, flame, icp iv) fundamentals of electrochemical methods; v) Mass Spectrometry; VI) Other modern techniques as confocal and electronic microscopy.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

César Antonio Tonicha Laia


Weekly - 4

Total - 95

Teaching language



It’s advisable that the student get approval in basic chemistry lectures as Introduction to physical chemistry, analytical Chemistry and basic knowledge in Organic and Inorganic Chemistry.


Recommended book

Quantitative Chemical Analysis, D. C. Harris, W. H. Freeman; 9th edition (July 15, 2015) 


Notes/sumaries supplied by the teacher

Teaching method

Lectures supported by data show projection of figures/plots/text included either in the documentation supplied directly by the teacher or in the recommended bibliography.

Problem solving sessions

Laboratory sessions.

Evaluation method

Available soon

Subject matter

1)Detection Limits and Experimental ErrorM
2)UV-Vis Absorption Spectroscopy;
3)Fluorescence Spectroscopy;
4)FTIR e Raman;
7)Atomic Absorption/Emission Spectroscopy;
8)Mass Spectroscopy.