Technical Drawing


The course of technical drawing aims to familiarize the student with the future working environment favoring the development of the spatial understanding to the graphical documents and equipment of the professional life. It targets also the contribution to the awareness of the students to innovative aspects related with the graphic techniques or the new project areas. The course makes the introduction to technics and methodologies to support the development of projects of construction and environmental planning at different scales. It includes the norms for graphic and drawing representation, besides the normalization and reading of written and drawn elements.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Lia Maldonado Teles de Vasconcelos


Weekly - 2

Total - 38

Teaching language



Attend 2/3 of the classes


Thomas E. French e Charles J Vierck - "Desenho Técnico e Tecnologia Gráfica " - Edit Globo - 8ª Edição

Reis Cabrita, AM - " Regras para Elaboração de Projectos " LNEC

Colectánea de Normas Portuguesas -  LNEC

Folhas diversas e exercícios fornecidos nas aulas

Teaching method

Part expository this course recurs to techniques hands on aiming to turn the student into a active agent in the learning process. He/she is encouraged to resolve and explore exercises with a growing level of difficulty, questioning aspects required to accomplish the exercises. In this way the student integrates gradually and in a phased way the supplied and learned materials, consolidating acquired knowledge and creating competences in its use, tutorially supported by the faculty.

Evaluation method

The course has a continuous evaluation through the tests/work. The students can be waived from the final exam if they have a grade of 10 in the modules . The student have to accomplish the practical work during classes.

The students have to attemd at least 2/3 of the classes.

The weights are distributed as following: Module 1 & 2 - 45%; Modulo 3 - 45%; Pratical Work CAD/SIG - 10% (in pdf and dwg formats).

The students that do not have the grade 10 in the average of the modules, can make a final exam (normal/resource).

Subject matter

General rules for the elaboration of drawings and graphic representation. Project analysis.

Main principles and objectives of the exercises of Descriptive Geometry. Orthogonal projections. Plan representation and their intersection.  Intersection of surfaces.

Perspectives - axonometric and oblique projections. Cuts, sections and dimensioning of shapes. Introduction to CAD.

Cartography. Topographic and thematic maps. Grids. Reduction/amplification and conversion of scales. Inclinations and slopes. Notions of flux and run-off. Basin delimitation. Terrain profiles. Implementation of works.

Representation and interpretation of the existing built up. Use of the thematic cartography to recognize the Space and/or Trail under study to allow to "intervene" in the territory. Contact, read and interpret technical drawings.