Available soon
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Alexandra de Jesus Branco Ribeiro
Weekly - 2
Total - 30
Teaching language
There are no precedence requisites.
Daveau, S. (2005). Portugal Geográfico. Ed. Sá da Costa, Lisboa.
Houghton, J. (2015). Global Warming: The Complete Briefing, Cambridge University Press; 5 ed, 396 pp
IPCC (2013) Climate Change (2013) The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK and New York, NY, USA, 1535 pp.
Lutgens, F. K. & Tarbuck, E. J. (2016). The Atmosphere: An Introduction to Meteorology, 13th ed., Pearson Publishing Company.
Miranda, P. (2013). Introdução à Meteorologia, FCUL& IPMA, Lisboa, 241 pp.
European State of the Climate 2018, Copernicus, EC, ECMWF
Global Climate Change, NASA
Portal do Clima de Portugal, IPMA
Teaching method
Lecturing of problem-solving sessions and laboratory sessions are carried out in the Laboratory 231, that is equipped with data-show.
The pedagogic material is available for the students in the Discipline Sheet created in the Moodle. This sheet also allows students to follow the Course through the whole semester, e.g. in what concerns the work carried out in small working groups.
Evaluation method
1 – EVALUATION 1.1 – The admission to the final exam is conditioned by a) absences must be below around 1/3 to the total number of classes and b) Delivering and oral presentation of a group project. This report represents 30% of the final grade, and 9.5 is the minimum for its acceptance. The compliance of a) and b) is compulsory for final exam admission. 1.2 – LECTURES EVALUATION represents 70% of the final grade. 1.2.1 - Two tests through the semester. 1.2.2 – Evaluation through final exam needs the fulfilment of the admission conditions (number of presences and group project) and is for who failed the evaluation, or wants to increase the final grade. 1.3 – Team report: The report must comply the format made available at the page of the discipline in the Moodle. Each team must perform an oral presentation of their report, which must not exceed 15 minutes.
Subject matter
The geophysics and meteorology. Structure and composition of the atmosphere. Solar and terrestrial radiation. Overall energy balance. Ozone hole. Increase the greenhouse effect. Climate change. Air temperature. Air humidity. Atmosphere dynamics: stability and instability of the air, adiabatic processes. Dew and frost. Clouds, cloudiness and fogs. Precipitation. Air masses and fronts. Atmospheric pressure. Wind systems. General circulation of the atmosphere. Weather systems. Climatic characterization of Portugal.
Programs where the course is taught: