Planning and Land Management


The main aim of this course is to provide the student with the necessary elements for the understanding of the territory and its organization, namely the concepts, the problems, the key-variables of analysis, as well as the tools and main actions that support the territory planning and management. The student should develop several aspects learning, namely: adequate skills and competences, necessary to the analysis and resolution of problems within the territorial framework, and the knowledge associated with the institutions, the legislation and the territorial management tools, covered by the national and european legislation. This course should provide the understanding of the importance of the spatial plans at various scales (national, sectorial, regional and local), as well as the processes of integration with policies, strategies, programs and projects.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

José Carlos Ribeiro Ferreira, Tomás Augusto Barros Ramos


Weekly - 5

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



Not applicable


Ferrão, J. (2011). O Ordenamento do Território como Política Pública. Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

Metternicht, G. (2018). Land Use and Spatial Planning: Enabling Sustainable Management of Land Resources. Springer. Sydney.

Randolph, J. (2012). Environmental Land Use Planning and Management. Island Press. 2nd Rev. ed., Washington.

Rydin, Y. (2012). The purpose of planning. Policy Press. Bristol.

Sadler, B., Dusik, J., Fischer, T., Partidario, M., Verheem, R., Aschemann, R. (eds.) (2015). Handbook of Strategic Environmental Assessment. Routledge, New York

Teaching method

Available soon

Evaluation method

a) Individual evaluation of the theoretical component through two tests (60%):
• 1st Test on October 29, 2019 (30%);
• 2nd Test on December 5, 2019 (30%).

b) Theoretical and practical evaluation through group work (40%).
• 1st Report on October 28, 2019 (15%) - (presentation and discussion on October 28 and 31)
• 2nd Report on December 9, 2019 (25%) - (presentation and discussion on December 9 and 12).

Final classification:

Final The final grade is the result of the weighted arithmetic average of the marks obtained in the two tests (60% of the final grade, with an average of both tests ≥ 9.5) and in the group work (40% of the final grade, with average of the two works ≥ 9.5 points).

Subject matter

Introduction to Land Planning and Management (LPM). Scales and planning levels. The integration of environmental management and engineering issues in LPM.  Historical evolution of planning schools. Planning systems:  the process, phases and activities.  Planning management tools in Portugal at national, sectoral, regional, local and special levels: the legal and institutional framework. Territorial survey, characterization and analysis in LPM. The state of Portuguese territory. Integrated land management. Planning and management of sensitive areas and their structural systems. Territorial risks in LPM. Public participation in LPM and their key stakeholders. Monitoring and follow-up in LPM. Practical applications and case studies.