Water Management
By the end of this course, all students shall have acquired knowledge and competences on the process of water resources planning and management, including legal and institutional aspects, both at national and international level, enabling then to:
- Understand e develop water resources planning processes
- Recognize and understand the main proceedings and methods in water resources management
- Evaluate water availability and water needs for multiples sectors
- Understand and quantify the relevance and impacts associated with climate change on water availability and needs
- Participate in the process of selection and implementation of methods and tools essential to the processes of water management and decision making
Students shall also acquire competences which will allow then mastery on :
- Water resources monitoring strategies
- Water availability characterization
- Water needs quantification
- Water balances calculations
- Hydraulic infrastructures design
- Integrated water quality assessment
General characterization
Responsible teacher
António Pedro de Nobre Carmona Rodrigues, Paulo Alexandre Marques Diogo
Weekly - 5
Total - 49
Teaching language
Lencastre, A. e F.M. Franco, 2003, Lições de Hidrologia, FCT-UNL.
Leitão, A. E.; Rodrigues, A. C.; Henriques, A. G. (1996) - “Uma Nova Visão para o Planeamento e Gestão dos Recursos Hídricos Portugueses no Início do Século XXI”, 3º Congresso da Água, APRH, Lisboa, Março.
Loucks, D. P. and E. van Beek, Water Resources Systems Planning and Management, UNESCO, Paris, 2005
Water Framework Directive: https://ec.europa.eu/environment/water/water-framework/index_en.html
Teaching method
Lectures, tutorials and practical work
Evaluation method
Evaluation is from 0 to 20 points and includes theoretical and practical components.
The first is intended as an evaluation of the topics presented during lectures. It comprises two tests (T1 and T2), each contributing for 20% of the final evaluation.
For the second component (practical) evaluation is composed of two group tasks (TP1 and TP2), each contributing for 30% of the final evaluation.
A minimum of 9,5 points is required for each component [T1+T2]/2 >= 9,5 valores e [TP1+TP2]/2 >= 9,5.
Final evaluation is according to :
NF=T1 x 0,2 + T2 x 0,2 + TP1 x 0,3 + TP2 x 0,3
Subject matter
- On the importance and necessity for water management
- Instruments
- Legal Framework
- Institutional Framework
- Planning
- Economical and Financial Regime
- Monitoring
- Licensing
- Auditing
- Construction and operation of infrastructures
- Principles
- Sustainability
- Use efficiency
- Polluter pays principle
- DPSIR approach
- Precautionary principle
- Participation principle
- Management support Methods
- Fresh, transitional and coastal waters
- Water balances evaluation
- Water sources, availability and needs
- Hydrological modelling
- Water quality modelling
- Pressures, pollution and pathways
- Uncertainty and optimization
- Drought and scarcity indexes
- Hydropower potential
- Information systems and decision support systems
- Climate Change
- Impacts
- Future scenarios for water availability and needs
- Climate change adaptation
Programs where the course is taught: