Urban Hydraulics Project


This course aims to provide students with knowledge and skills in the field of environmental sanitation and ability to plan and design, in  detail:

i) Water supply systems from the source to the consumer, including storage and distribution;

ii) Sewerage infrastructure and / or systems;

iii) Stormwater urban drainage systems.

It also aims to develop technical and analytical skills with the goal that every student will be able to prepare a draft of water supply and sewerage designwork, using the appropriate methodology for this purpose.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

António Pedro de Nobre Carmona Rodrigues, António Pedro Macedo Coimbra Mano


Weekly - 5

Total - 70

Teaching language



Students must have knowledge in the areas of hydraulics of free surface flows and pressure flows. They should also have basic knowledge in the use of graphic design programs (AutoCad), word processing (Word) and spreadsheets (Excel).


- General Regulation of Public Systems in Buildings and Water Distribution and Wastewater Drainage. Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Communications, Regulatory Decree No. 23/95 (Portuguese Law);

- Course notes available on CLIP and/or Moodle platforms.

- Marques, J.A.; Sousa, J.J., 2011. Hidráulica Urbana. Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra

Teaching method

The teaching method includes a 4 hours weekly Theoretical-Practical (TP) class, revising part Urban Hydraulics Course and adding new concepts. Main focus is the practical side, simulating real work as a established engineer. Students receive the information by audiovisual means, specially computer slides, and oral explanation of concepts/models. Students are divided into groups of four elements, interacting among themselves and with de lecturer.

Evaluation method

One test and five projects.

Prejects and test aritmetic mean shoud be > 9.5 out of  20

Final grade (FG) = 0.15 x T + 0.85 x (TP1*0.1 + TP2*0.3 + TP3*0.15+ T4*0.15+T5*0.3)

 It is also mandatory attendance of two-thirds of the classes.

Subject matter

1 - Scope and objectives of a designwork: fundamental concepts and relevance in the construction cycle, as a tool to help to short implementation time and optimizing costs. Planning and organization of projects.

2 - Water Supply Systems: a brief review on intake Works, transport mains, pumping facilities, Reservoirs, water distribution networks, materials to apply.

3 - Systems of sewerage: a brief review on origin, nature and quantification of wastewater, design of conveyance sewerage networks, general and special appurtenances; pumping facilities, materials to apply.

4 – Modeling population, industry, flows, based on actual data (census, registered flows, per capita consumption, etc.).

5 – Legislation, including local regulation and national and international Standards.

6  – Developing the project where the student takes the place of the engineer: Layout and design of infrastructures for water supply and sewerage (domestic and rainwater) collection and transport.

7 – Study visits to existing similar infrastructures.

8 – Final work presentation and  discussion.


Programs where the course is taught: