Materials, Processes and Construction Management


The course aims to provide the students with the basic skills and understandings of practical and theoretical issues involved in consctruction and environment.To allow the students to have a starting education on fundamental subjects respecting engineering global design and building, including basic knowledge on materials and construction methods and the understanding of the overall construction action, specially regarding related industry, energy, water, wastewater and solid wastes sytems and other subjects related to the environment. Some primary rules on design are given too. As a general objective at the end of the course of MPGC, the students should believe in their own creativity, individual initiative, ambition, and self-confidence.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

David José Fonseca Pereira


Weekly - 3

Total - 39

Teaching language



No special requisites are required.


Pereira, D; Bases de engenharia civil e arquitectura para engenheiros do ambiente e engenheiros sanitaristas - Elementos de apoio à disciplina, Monte de Caparica. 2010.

Farinha, J.P. Brazão; REIS, A. Correia – Tabelas Técnicas, Edição revista

Slides from the classes

Solved exercises.

Groupwork from previous yaers

Network vídeos and.links.

Teaching method

The teaching method includes, weekly, a 3 hours Theoretical-Practical (TP) class, where the students develop engineering skills in the construction cycle (civil engineering, environment and arquitecture).

Students receive the information by audiovisual means, specially computer slides and oral explanation of concepts/models. There is a forum (at Moodle platform) to discuss and ask general or specific questions. Email and private telephone of the lecturer is available during all the term period. Continuous evaluation consists in two tests and one group work, which deals with the rehabilitation of a edification in terms of confort, energy, water, materials, surroundings.

Evaluation method

 a) Frequency: All students have "satisfactory" in frequency classification for allowance to examinations, as it is not compulsory the presence at the classes;

 b) Approval from continuous evaluation: It will be approved from the continuous evaluation system who will obtain 9.5 in a scale 0-20, as an average from 2 tests during the semester (70%) and a minimum of  9,5 in the same scale fot the submitted groupwork.

 c) Examinations: Examinations will be performed to those who will not obtain approval by continuous evaluation or, when obtaining it, will be interested to increase the mark.

Subject matter

General concepts on:

a) Building complete sequence (idea, concept, detail, building, supervision, use)

b) Phasing and contents of a project, including Tender Documents

c) Codes of practice and Construction market regulation

d) Mechanics, resistance of materials, structural engineering understanding

e) Reinforced concrete

f) Conventional ang green materials used in construction

g) Soil mechanics and foundations

h) Building methods

i) Roads and other communication ways

j) Quality and safety

k) Bill of quantities

l) Building planning

m) Demolitions with impact in the environment.

n) Sustainable construction (techniques, materials, energy, water and solid waste)


Programs where the course is taught: