Acoustic Pollution
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Francisco Manuel Freire Cardoso Ferreira
Weekly - 2
Total - 28
Teaching language
- Behar, A., M. Chasin, M. Cheesman, 1999. Noise Control – A Primer, Singular Press, 131 pp.
− Bies, D.A. and C.H. Hansen, 2003. Engineering Noise Control: Theory and Practice, Third
Edition, Taylor & Francis, 736 pp.
- Kotzen, B., C. English, 1999. Environmental Noise Barriers, Spon Press, 184 pp.
- Oliveira de Carvalho, A.P., Acústica Ambiental e de Edifícios, Sebenta do Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Civil, FEUP, 2009.
- Smith, B.J., R.J. Peters, S. Owen, 1996. Acoustics and Noise Control, Longman, 344 pp.
Teaching method
Evaluation method
Two tests or one exam (50%) (mínimum grade 9.5). Two extended homeworks developed individually (50%) (mínimum grade 9.5).
Subject matter
- The physics of acoustic phenomena - longitudinal waves, speed of propagation, interference, resonance, coefficients of absorption and transmission, vibrations
- Acoustic phenomena - type of acoustic phenomena, objectivity versus subjectivity, the acoustic spectrum, eighth and 1/3 of eighth. The low frequency noise.
- Characterization of acoustic phenomena - the decibel, balance, levels of pressure, sonorous intensity and power, impedance acoustics. Calculations with dB.
- Sonorous fields. Sonorous sources. Propagation acoustics in closed enclosures - reverberation.
- Principles associated to the national and European legislation on noise (Directive and transposition).
- Effect for the human being of the extreme exposition to acoustic phenomena.
- Occupational exposure.
- Noise maps - elaboration, interpretation, and use. Analysis of examples.
- Measurements of noise. Use of a sound meter.
- Control and mitigation of noise. Evaluation of noise in environmental impact assessment studies.
Programs where the course is taught: