Acoustic Pollution


Basic concepts in acoustics and acoustic pollution in order to develop capacities to assess this problem through noise maps and solve it through mitigation measures.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Francisco Manuel Freire Cardoso Ferreira


Weekly - 2

Total - 28

Teaching language





- Behar, A., M. Chasin, M. Cheesman, 1999. Noise Control – A Primer, Singular Press, 131 pp.

− Bies, D.A. and C.H. Hansen, 2003. Engineering Noise Control: Theory and Practice, Third 
Edition, Taylor & Francis, 736 pp.

- Kotzen, B., C. English, 1999. Environmental Noise Barriers, Spon Press, 184 pp.

Oliveira de Carvalho, A.P., Acústica Ambiental e de Edifícios, Sebenta do Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Civil, FEUP, 2009.

- Smith, B.J., R.J. Peters, S. Owen, 1996. Acoustics and Noise Control, Longman, 344 pp.

Teaching method

Depending of the specific area there would be either a more explanatory or a more exploratory component approach. Homework by small student groups have to be performed. There is a discussion period with research aspect brought by student in every class.

Evaluation method

Two tests or one exam (50%) (mínimum grade 9.5). Two extended homeworks developed individually (50%) (mínimum grade 9.5).

Subject matter

-       The physics of acoustic phenomena - longitudinal waves, speed of propagation, interference, resonance, coefficients of absorption and transmission, vibrations

-       Acoustic phenomena - type of acoustic phenomena, objectivity versus subjectivity, the acoustic spectrum, eighth and 1/3 of eighth. The low frequency noise.

-       Characterization of acoustic phenomena - the decibel, balance, levels of pressure, sonorous intensity and power, impedance acoustics. Calculations with dB.

-       Sonorous fields. Sonorous sources. Propagation acoustics in closed enclosures - reverberation.

-       Principles associated to the national and European legislation on noise (Directive and transposition).

-       Effect for the human being of the extreme exposition to acoustic phenomena.

-       Occupational exposure.

-       Noise maps - elaboration, interpretation, and use. Analysis of examples.

-       Measurements of noise. Use of a sound meter.

-       Control and mitigation of noise. Evaluation of noise in environmental impact assessment studies.