Geographic Information Systems
Acquisition of knowledge, ability and proficiency (1) Scope and nature of the field of Geographic information Science; (2) The nature of Geogrpahic Information Systems and the key components of GI Systems and Science; (3) To establish relationships between technology, data, methods and organizations in the use of GIS; (4) Main problems associated with the use of GIS; (5) To identify the main questions related with GIS design, creation and operation; (6) Major groups of GIS functionalities; (7) Special GIS domains such as Remote Sensing and Spatial Modeling; (8) To acquire practical konwledge with GIS technology namely the major groups of geoprocessing functions.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Maria da Graça Azevedo de Brito, Maria Júlia Fonseca de Seixas, Maria Margarida Boavida Pontes Gonçalves
Weekly - 4
Total - 56
Teaching language
Not aplicable.
- Longley, PA, MF Goodchild, DJ Maguire, and DW Rhind, 2010, Geographic Information Systems and Science. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 3rd Edition.
Teaching method
1. Lectures with discussion
2. Laboratories: hands-on software so solve practical problems
3. Seminars on special topics
Evaluation method
According the FCT´s assessment rules the curricular unit has a continuous assessment realized at four assessed times which are constituted by an individual test with a 25%, contribution each one to final classification. The non-approved students do a final resort exam. The curricular unit approval, continuous assessment or final exam, requires a minimum classification of 9.5 values (out of 20 values).
Subject matter
- Defining the Geographic Information Systems and Science field
- Origins and evolution of Geographic Information Systems
- Components of Geographic Information Science
- Foundations of spatial representation in GIS
- Specific methods aspects
- Use of GIS software