Chemistry B
To homogenizer the knowledge of students with different backgrounds
The student should learn the contents of general Chemistry included in the program, to know how to do the experimental work and solve the proposed problems.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Maria Manuela Marques Araújo Pereira
Weekly - 4
Total - 59
Teaching language
No requirements.
Chemistry", R. Chang and K. Goldsby, Mc Graw Hill, 11th Edition 2013.
Química (Portuguese translation of Chemistry ), R.Chang, Mc. Graw Hill, 2005.
"Chemical Principals, The quest for insight", P. Atkins, L. Jones, Freeman, 2001.
Teaching method
In lectures we will present and explained the concepts in an interactive and proactive way. In theoretical classes practical topics and problems will be discussed requiring the use of knowledge learned in the lectures. In practical classes, laboratory experiments will be conducted directly related to the topics taught and discussed and criticized the achieved results. Evaluation components Two tests that deal with the knowledge of both theorical and practical concepts of the course or an exam. Solving problems in theoretical practical classes. Performance and discussion of the experimental results achieved during the practice sessions.
Evaluation method
It is required to obtain the frequency to the chair, which requires the achievement of three practical laboratory work and participation in 7 theoretical-practical sessions.
Ongoing assessment involves performing two tests, the exercises of theoretical-practical classes and laboratory work. The two tests may be replaced by a final exam, in appropriate cases, but the other portions of the assessment will stand.
The final evaluation results from the application of the following calculation formula:
average of two test scores (or final exam score) 0.7 * x + score from the theoretical practice sessions x 0.15 + score from the practice sessions x 0.15 = final score (should be greater than or equal to 9.5 for approval for the course)
* = The average grade obtained in the two tests or the final exam will have to be compulsorily equal to or greater than 9.5.
Note: Students have purchased in previous years frequency component theoretical-practical and laboratory replaced by the recorded score, it will have a weight of 0.3 in the final formule.
The maximum allowed absences is stipulated by law.
Subject matter
Periodic properties and chemical bonding
Chemical Reactions. Stoichiometry: Solutions and concentration units.
The ideal gas equation. Dalton´s law of partial pressure.
Vapor- Liquid Equilibrium. Ideal solutions. The Raoult´s Law. Distillation. Colligative properties.Chemical Equilibrium . The first Law of Termodinamics. Enthalpy. Standard Entalphy of formation and reaction. le Châteliers Principle. Spontaneous proceses. Entropy . The second low. Gibbs Free Energy and Chemical equilibrium .
Acids and Bases.Autoionization of water. pH. Strength of acids and bases. . Buffers. Acid-base Indicators. Titrations.
Precipitation Reactions. Solubility equilibria. The common ion effect. Separation of ions.
Redox Reactions. Standard Reduction Potencial. The effect of concentration on Cells. The Nerst Equation. Corrosion.
Chemical Kinetics. The rate of a reaction. Determination of the rate law. Half-life. Activation Energy. Arrhenius Law. Catalysis.
Programs where the course is taught: