Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies


The Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology program goals focus on understanding the size dependent
properties of materials, devices and nano-systems. It intends to improve the students'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' competence at
all levels from the nano-science basics and nanomaterials to the industrial applications of
nanotechnology. This includes the introduction of a variety of novel concepts e.g. manipulation of
atoms and molecules to form novel products and nano-devices, the synthesis and consolidation of
the nano-objects to construct nanostructured materials with novel properties or other larger objects
with nanometer precision, as well as nano-engineering and assembly of nano-objects to build future
nano-machines such as computers, sensors, mechanical or medical devices. This program will give
the students the opportunity to participate in the development of and work in one of the fastest
growing and most expanding areas of future science and technology.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Rui Alberto Garção Barreira do Nascimento Igreja


Weekly - 4

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



Good knowledge about the physics and chemistry courses according to the study plan or corresponding background (optional course).


Lecture notes.

Recommended bibliography:


Bharat Bhushan, Handbook of Nanotechnology, Springer 2007.

M. Madou, Fundamentals of Microfabrication – The science of miniaturization, CRC Press, 2002

C. P. Poole, F.J. Owens, Introduction to Nanotechnology, Wiley, 2003.

M. Kohler, W. Fritzsche, Nanotechnology, Wiley, 2004.


Teaching method

Theoretical classes with datashow.

Practicals include theory preparation, experimental procedure and production of a small quiz.

A monograph will be developed by the students

Evaluation method

Available soon

Subject matter

The lectures will cover basic fabrication technologies and applications of micro- and nanotechnologies following the topics:

Introduction to Nanotechnology – demonstrations

Physics of nanofabrications

Nanotechnology and photonics

Nano-bio motors

Carbon Nanotubes and Nanowires

Chemistry of Carbon nano-materials

Applications of Nanotubes and fullerenes



Nanoactuators / Nanomanipulators

Fabrication and synthesis of nanomaterials

Fabrication techniques – mechanical

Nano-characterization techniques

Scanning probe methods

Due to the multidisplinarity of this course, invited speackers will give seminars in some of the topics described above.

Part of the laboratory classes will be given at the Microelectronic Laboratory, comprising 200 m2 of cleanroom area with all the facilities for micro- and nanofabrication research. In the lab the students will take the opportunity to see the fabrication of some micro and nano devices that are currently being developed inside the research group


Programs where the course is taught: