Computer Science and Engineering

Education objectives

The Integrated Master in Computer Engineering aims to train Computer Engineers qualified to develop project activities, leadership, and innovation, sometimes in the context of research, and with bases to access a 3rd Cycle.

The course is compatible with the principles of Bologna, aiming to prepare 
engineers with the master''s degree(Integrated Master''s Degree) in 3 + 2 years, through the coordinated integration of two cycles of studies.

Objectives of the 1st Cycle (Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering Sciences)

The first cycle of the course grants the degree of Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering Sciences, which grants an initial certification and solid base formation in Computer Engineering Sciences and mobility. The curriculum covers and extends the core recommendations of the Computing Curriculum ACM / IEEE 2013 (strawman). The 1st cycle is tightly integrated with the 2nd cycle, through a block of consolidation units, and allows students in the 3rd year to develop, under a curricular framework, a practical activity of integrated development in a business or academic environment.

Objectives of the 2nd Cycle (Master in Computer Engineering)

The 2nd Cycle of course allows for the complete training in engineering design, certified with the degree of Master in Computer Engineering, preparing specialists qualified to develop activities of conception, project, leadership, and innovation. An important component of the Master''s degree in Computer Engineering is the elaboration of a Masters Dissertation, individual research and / or development work that explores the knowledge acquired during the course, originally and specially designed for this purpose, and which can be developed in an academic context, or in an academic-business collaboration.

Informatics Engineering and its professional areas

Computer Engineering is the technical and scientific discipline that allows you to design and build enterprise information systems, Google, Facebook, flight controllers, iPod, weather forecasting systems, computer games, media, Cloud Computing, web applications, image and multimedia processing, telecommunication services.

Information and computing technologies are among the most important infrastructures supporting modern society. They are growing areas of high employability that combine technical engineering challenges with multidisciplinary creativity and create new business opportunities.

Computer Engineers are responsible for the design and construction of countless computer systems that play an essential role in society, industry, services, transport and telecommunications, health, classical engineering, the environment, and even the arts and leisure.

The course forms Computer Engineers solidly prepared to participate in building the systems and information technologies of the future.

Accredited training at the E2 level of the Portuguese Engineers'''' Association, according to the FCT UNL Curriculum Profile, and valued by the employers'' recognition.

General characterization

DGES code



Integrated Master (1st Cycle  + 2nd Cycle)


Após a obtenção de 180 ECTS é concedido o grau de Licenciado. Com a conclusão do curso é atribuido o grau de Mestre.

Access to other programs

Access to a 3rd cycle


Pedro Abílio Duarte de Medeiros

Opening date





871.52 Euros/year or 7000,00 Euros/year (for foreign students).



Teaching language

Available soon

Degree pre-requisites

Duration: 5 years

Credits: 300 ECTS

Scientific Area Acronym ECTS
Mandatory Optional
Transferable Skills CC 6 -
Social Sciences and Humanities CHS 6 -
Electrical & Computer Engineering EEC 6 -
Physics F 6
Informatics I 153 75
Mathematics M 36  -
Any Scientific Area QAC 12 a)
Total 210 90

a) 12 ECTS in courses chosen by the student on a list approved annually by the Scientific Council of FCT/UNLwhich includes the unity of all scientific areas of FCT/UNL

Conditions of admittance

Available soon

Evaluation rules

The following modes of evaluation are used with regard to academic qualifications:

  1. Evaluation based solely on an examination or completion of a final project.
  2. Evaluation based on work done throughout the semester excluding examination or final project. In these courses students can expect to carry out, for example, laboratory activities, mini-tests, tests, individual or group projects, seminar-related activities, any combination of which will be used to determine the final grade.
  3. Evaluation based obligatorily on an examination or a final project. In these courses there extists a form of evaluation similar to one of the aformentioned activities in paragraph 2 as well as a form of evaluation based on a final exam.
  4. Evaluation based on work done throughout the semester with the possibility of foregoing an examination or a final project.

The final Dissertation (or Project) involves a public discussion with a Jury.


1.º Semester
Code Name ECTS
11505 Linear Algebra and Analytic Geometry 6.0
11504 Mathematical Analysis I 6.0
10352 Soft Skills for Science and Technology 3.0
10637 Introduction to Programming 9.0
5294 Logic Systems 6.0
2.º Semester
Code Name ECTS
7996 Mathematical Analysis II E 6.0
11152 Computer Architecture 9.0
3629 Discrete Mathematics 6.0
11153 Object Oriented Programming 9.0
3.º Semester
Code Name ECTS
11154 Algorithms and Data Structures 9.0
7663 Physics 6.0
11155 Operating Systems Foundations 9.0
7336 Computational Logic 6.0
4.º Semester
Code Name ECTS
10640 Databases 9.0
10358 Science, Technology and Society 3.0
8147 Programming Languages and Environments 6.0
9414 Probability and Statistics E 6.0
2468 Theory of Computation 6.0
5.º Semester
Code Name ECTS
8150 Computer Graphics and Interfaces 6.0
1712 Artificial Intelligence 6.0
8148 Software Development Methods 6.0
8149 Computer Networks 6.0
5.º Semester - Unidade Curricular do Bloco Livre A
Code Name ECTS
11066 Electives 6.0
O aluno deverá obter 6.0 créditos nesta opção.
6.º Semester
Code Name ECTS
8154 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 6.0
11156 Practical Activity for Curricular Development 15.0
8153 Distributed Systems 6.0
6.º Semester - Opção PIIC/PIPP
Code Name ECTS
10603 Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program 3.0
10602 Undergraduate Practice Opportunities Program 3.0
O aluno deverá obter 3.0 créditos nesta opção.
7.º Semester
Code Name ECTS
8575 Introduction to Operations Research 6.0
10644 Algorithms and Distributed Systems 6.0
11552 Arquitetura e Protocolos de Redes de Computadores 6.0
11165 High Perfomance Computing 6.0
11554 Internet Application Design and Implementation 6.0
11555 Dependable Distributed Systems 6.0
11556 Design of Algorithms for Optimization Problems 6.0
11557 Games and Simulation 6.0
11558 Domain Specific Modelling Languages 6.0
11559 Data Modelling 6.0
11560 Modelling and Validating Concurrent Systems 6.0
11561 Web Search 6.0
11562 Stream Processing 6.0
11164 Constraint Programming 6.0
11563 Data Analytics and Mining 6.0
11170 Software Quality 6.0
11553 Software Security 6.0
11174 Cloud Computing Systems 6.0
11564 Computational Game Theory 6.0
11565 Interactive Data Visualization 6.0
7.º Semester - Unidade Curricular do Bloco Livre B
Code Name ECTS
11066 Electives 6.0
O aluno deverá obter 6.0 créditos nesta opção.
7.º Semester - Unidade de Consolidação I
Code Name ECTS
11157 Machine Learning 6.0
11158 Concurrency and Paralelism 6.0
11159 Software Construction and Verification 6.0
1405 Software Engineering 6.0
10796 Human-Computer Interaction 6.0
8152 Interpretation e Compilation of Programming Languages 6.0
11539 Knowledge and Reasoning Systems Representation 6.0
11619 Network and Computer Systems Security 6.0
8281 Databases Systems 6.0
O aluno deverá obter 6.0 créditos nesta opção.
7.º Semester - Unidade de Consolidação II
Code Name ECTS
11157 Machine Learning 6.0
11158 Concurrency and Paralelism 6.0
11159 Software Construction and Verification 6.0
1405 Software Engineering 6.0
10796 Human-Computer Interaction 6.0
8152 Interpretation e Compilation of Programming Languages 6.0
11539 Knowledge and Reasoning Systems Representation 6.0
11619 Network and Computer Systems Security 6.0
8281 Databases Systems 6.0
O aluno deverá obter 6.0 créditos nesta opção.
7.º Semester - Unidade de Consolidação III
Code Name ECTS
11157 Machine Learning 6.0
11158 Concurrency and Paralelism 6.0
11159 Software Construction and Verification 6.0
1405 Software Engineering 6.0
10796 Human-Computer Interaction 6.0
8152 Interpretation e Compilation of Programming Languages 6.0
11539 Knowledge and Reasoning Systems Representation 6.0
11619 Network and Computer Systems Security 6.0
8281 Databases Systems 6.0
O aluno deverá obter 6.0 créditos nesta opção.
8.º Semester
Code Name ECTS
11191 Social-Professional Aspects of Informatics 3.0
10380 Entrepreneurship 3.0
8.º Semester - Unidade de Consolidação IV
Code Name ECTS
11157 Machine Learning 6.0
11158 Concurrency and Paralelism 6.0
11159 Software Construction and Verification 6.0
1405 Software Engineering 6.0
10796 Human-Computer Interaction 6.0
8152 Interpretation e Compilation of Programming Languages 6.0
11539 Knowledge and Reasoning Systems Representation 6.0
11619 Network and Computer Systems Security 6.0
8281 Databases Systems 6.0
O aluno deverá obter 6.0 créditos nesta opção.
8.º Semester - Unidade de Consolidação V
Code Name ECTS
11157 Machine Learning 6.0
11158 Concurrency and Paralelism 6.0
11159 Software Construction and Verification 6.0
1405 Software Engineering 6.0
10796 Human-Computer Interaction 6.0
8152 Interpretation e Compilation of Programming Languages 6.0
11539 Knowledge and Reasoning Systems Representation 6.0
11619 Network and Computer Systems Security 6.0
8281 Databases Systems 6.0
O aluno deverá obter 6.0 créditos nesta opção.
8.º Semester - Unidade de Especialização I
Code Name ECTS
10644 Algorithms and Distributed Systems 6.0
11552 Arquitetura e Protocolos de Redes de Computadores 6.0
11165 High Perfomance Computing 6.0
1205 Multimedia Computing 6.0
11554 Internet Application Design and Implementation 6.0
11555 Dependable Distributed Systems 6.0
11556 Design of Algorithms for Optimization Problems 6.0
11557 Games and Simulation 6.0
11558 Domain Specific Modelling Languages 6.0
11559 Data Modelling 6.0
11560 Modelling and Validating Concurrent Systems 6.0
11561 Web Search 6.0
11562 Stream Processing 6.0
11164 Constraint Programming 6.0
11563 Data Analytics and Mining 6.0
11170 Software Quality 6.0
11171 Software Requirements and Architecture 6.0
11553 Software Security 6.0
11174 Cloud Computing Systems 6.0
8299 Mobile and Pervasive Computing 6.0
8300 Geographic Information Technology 6.0
11564 Computational Game Theory 6.0
11565 Interactive Data Visualization 6.0
O aluno deverá obter 6.0 créditos nesta opção.
8.º Semester - Unidade de Especialização II
Code Name ECTS
10644 Algorithms and Distributed Systems 6.0
11552 Arquitetura e Protocolos de Redes de Computadores 6.0
11165 High Perfomance Computing 6.0
1205 Multimedia Computing 6.0
11554 Internet Application Design and Implementation 6.0
11555 Dependable Distributed Systems 6.0
11556 Design of Algorithms for Optimization Problems 6.0
11557 Games and Simulation 6.0
11558 Domain Specific Modelling Languages 6.0
11559 Data Modelling 6.0
11560 Modelling and Validating Concurrent Systems 6.0
11561 Web Search 6.0
11562 Stream Processing 6.0
11164 Constraint Programming 6.0
11563 Data Analytics and Mining 6.0
11170 Software Quality 6.0
11171 Software Requirements and Architecture 6.0
11553 Software Security 6.0
11174 Cloud Computing Systems 6.0
8299 Mobile and Pervasive Computing 6.0
8300 Geographic Information Technology 6.0
11564 Computational Game Theory 6.0
11565 Interactive Data Visualization 6.0
O aluno deverá obter 6.0 créditos nesta opção.
5.º Year
Code Name ECTS
10794 Master Thesis in Computer Science 42.0
9.º Semester - Unidade de Especialização III
Code Name ECTS
10644 Algorithms and Distributed Systems 6.0
11552 Arquitetura e Protocolos de Redes de Computadores 6.0
11165 High Perfomance Computing 6.0
1205 Multimedia Computing 6.0
11554 Internet Application Design and Implementation 6.0
11555 Dependable Distributed Systems 6.0
11556 Design of Algorithms for Optimization Problems 6.0
11557 Games and Simulation 6.0
11558 Domain Specific Modelling Languages 6.0
11559 Data Modelling 6.0
11560 Modelling and Validating Concurrent Systems 6.0
11561 Web Search 6.0
11562 Stream Processing 6.0
11164 Constraint Programming 6.0
11563 Data Analytics and Mining 6.0
11170 Software Quality 6.0
11171 Software Requirements and Architecture 6.0
11553 Software Security 6.0
11174 Cloud Computing Systems 6.0
8299 Mobile and Pervasive Computing 6.0
8300 Geographic Information Technology 6.0
11564 Computational Game Theory 6.0
11565 Interactive Data Visualization 6.0
O aluno deverá obter 6.0 créditos nesta opção.
9.º Semester - Unidade de Especialização IV
Code Name ECTS
10644 Algorithms and Distributed Systems 6.0
11552 Arquitetura e Protocolos de Redes de Computadores 6.0
11165 High Perfomance Computing 6.0
1205 Multimedia Computing 6.0
11554 Internet Application Design and Implementation 6.0
11555 Dependable Distributed Systems 6.0
11556 Design of Algorithms for Optimization Problems 6.0
11557 Games and Simulation 6.0
11558 Domain Specific Modelling Languages 6.0
11559 Data Modelling 6.0
11560 Modelling and Validating Concurrent Systems 6.0
11561 Web Search 6.0
11562 Stream Processing 6.0
11164 Constraint Programming 6.0
11563 Data Analytics and Mining 6.0
11170 Software Quality 6.0
11171 Software Requirements and Architecture 6.0
11553 Software Security 6.0
11174 Cloud Computing Systems 6.0
8299 Mobile and Pervasive Computing 6.0
8300 Geographic Information Technology 6.0
11564 Computational Game Theory 6.0
11565 Interactive Data Visualization 6.0
O aluno deverá obter 6.0 créditos nesta opção.
9.º Semester - Unidade de Especialização V
Code Name ECTS
10644 Algorithms and Distributed Systems 6.0
11552 Arquitetura e Protocolos de Redes de Computadores 6.0
11165 High Perfomance Computing 6.0
1205 Multimedia Computing 6.0
11554 Internet Application Design and Implementation 6.0
11555 Dependable Distributed Systems 6.0
11556 Design of Algorithms for Optimization Problems 6.0
11557 Games and Simulation 6.0
11558 Domain Specific Modelling Languages 6.0
11559 Data Modelling 6.0
11560 Modelling and Validating Concurrent Systems 6.0
11561 Web Search 6.0
11562 Stream Processing 6.0
11164 Constraint Programming 6.0
11563 Data Analytics and Mining 6.0
11170 Software Quality 6.0
11171 Software Requirements and Architecture 6.0
11553 Software Security 6.0
11174 Cloud Computing Systems 6.0
8299 Mobile and Pervasive Computing 6.0
8300 Geographic Information Technology 6.0
11564 Computational Game Theory 6.0
11565 Interactive Data Visualization 6.0
O aluno deverá obter 6.0 créditos nesta opção.