


Principles on general physics, mainly classical physics

Improve the knowleadge on General Physics; from Mecahnics , electricity, magnetism vibrations and waves and modern Physics

Correct knowleadge of the physical process

Introduction to metrology (measurements, acuracy)

Getting familiar with particular devices 



Developing scientific skills

Development and training on problems'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' solving

Interlinking with other sort of instrumentation and other subjects like Mathematics and Computer Science

General characterization





Responsible teacher

António Carlos Simões Paiva


Weekly - 5

Total - 70

Teaching language



Secondary school 11th grade level  knowledge of physics concepts.

Secondary school 12th grade level knowledge of mathematics.


Basic Integrals


Halliday, D., Resnick, R., & Walker, J., Fundamentals of Physics, Wiley. (Any edition will do, latest is 11th.)


M. Alonso and E. Finn, PhysicsAddison-Wesley, 1992

Teaching method

1. The teaching method is based on a continuous student activity during the semester.;

2. For the understanding of concepts and laws of Physics, a mixed approach, with both theory and experiment is followed (also some computation and simulation are introduced). In laboratory sessions, besides the demonstration and verification of Physics laws, emphasis is given to simulation.

3Continuous involvement of the students (beyond lectures e laboratory sessions) through written questions on each chapter.

Evaluation method

There is continuous evaluation throughout the semester or a final exam at the end of the semester.

The continuous evaluation consists of two theory tests and practical cooperative evaluation every two weeks.

Subject matter

Chapter 0 Forces

Chapter 1 Oscillations

Chapter 2 Waves

Chapter 3 Electric Charge

Chapter 4 Electric Fields

Chapter 5 Gauss'' Law

Chapter 6 Electric Potential

Chapter 7 Capacitance

Chapter 8 Current and Resistance

Chapter 9 Circuits

Chapter 10 Magnetic Fields

Chapter 11 Magnetic Fields Due to Currents

Chapter 12 Induction and Inductance

Chapter 13 Maxwell''s Equations; Magnetism of Matter

Chapter 14 Electromagnetic Waves

Chapter 15 Interference

Chapter 16 Diffraction

Chapter 17 Quantum


Programs where the course is taught: