Interpretation e Compilation of Programming Languages



1.To know the architecture and techniques used in the design and implementation of interpreters, compilers and type systems

2.To know the essential components of the design of programming languages and corresponding semantics

3.To define programming languages by composition of base elements


4.To define algorithms of the abstract representation of programs

5.To describe language semantics by interpreting, compiler and verification algorithms

6.To design and implement compiler procedures targeting concrete virtual machines


7.To reason about complex systems at different levels of abstraction

8.To design general purpose designs based on first principles

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Luís Manuel Marques da Costa Caires


Weekly - 4

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



Kmowlede of advanced programming, data structures and algorithms.


- “Concepts in Programming Languages”, John C. Mitchell, Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0 521 78098 5 - “Essentials of Programming Languages”, Daniel Friedman, Mitchell Wand, Christopher Haynes, MIT Press. - “Compiling for the .Net Common Language Runtime (Clr) (.NET Series)”, John Gough, Prentice Hall PTR - “Modern Compiler Implementation in Java” Andrew W. Appel, Cambridge University Press - “The Study of Programming Languages”, Ryan Stansifer, Prentice Hall International Edition.

Teaching method

Available soon

Evaluation method

Handout Fase #1  

Deadline: 11 Nov (semana)

Handout Fase #2  

Deadline: 12 Dez (week of)

Midterm Test: 11 de Novembro

Final Test: 12 Dec (week of)

Grading: Hamdout 4 points; Midterm: 8 points; Final Test 8 points

Subject matter

A.Principles 1.Programming Language Syntax 2.Programming Language Semantics 3.Interpretation levels, Principles of Language Processing and Compilation. B.Program interpretation and Compilation 1.Expressions and values; Definitions and environments 2.State and references; memory-environment model 3.Functional abstraction; first-class and higher order functions 4.Recursive definitions 5.Structured values: records and recursive values 6.Objects and Classes: Objects represented with records and closures C.Type Systems 1.Principles, goals and limitations of static analysis methods 2.Simple type systems: functional types 3.Verification and inference algorithms D.Compilers and Runtime support systems 1.Compiler architecture 2.Runtime support systems 3.Syntax driven code transformation 4.Code generation to intermediate languages (CLR, Java Virtual Machine)


Programs where the course is taught: