Food Additives I


At the end of this course the student will have acquired knowledge, skills and competencies that will enable them to develop the ability of interpretation and analysis of parameters associated with processing techniques in the food industry, involving the use of additives (preservatives, antioxidants, acidifiers and acidity regulators, melting salts), further considering possible effects on human health caused by inappropriate manipulations.

In this environment students can dominate and exploit scientific bases that enable the evaluation of detailed aspects and skill acquisition with application in the development of agro-industrial productive capacity, integrating knowledge related to food security and the corresponding public health.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Fernando José Cebola Lidon


Weekly - 6

Total - 84

Teaching language



Basic knowledge of chemistry / biochemistry, physics and biology (with emphasis on microbiology) as well as agro-industrial processing / transformation.


Lidon, F. C., M. M. Silvestre (2007). Indústrias Alimentares – Aditivos e Tecnologias / Food Industry – Additives and Technologies. Escolar Editora, 380 p. [ISBN: 978-972-592-3]

- Lidon, F. C., M. M. Silvestre (2008). Conservação de Alimentos – Princípios e Metodologias / Food Preservation – Principles and Methodologies, Escolar Editora, 232 p. [ISBN: 978-972-592-227-9]

- Lidon, F. C., M. M. Silvestre (2010). Princípios de Nutrição e Alimentação Humana / Principles of Human Nutrition and Food, Escolar Editora, 647 p. [ISBN: 978-972-592-270-5]

- Ash, M., Ash, I. (2008). Handbook of Food Additives. Synapse Information Resources Inc; 3 edition. [ISBN: 978-193-476-4008]

- Smith J., Hong-Shum, L. (2011). Food Additives Database. Wiley-Blackwell Eds. [ISBN: 978-0-8138-2110-8]

Teaching method

The teaching, supported in the use of multimedia projections and e-learning methods (i.e., the use of the Moodle program), will include theoretical and practical classes grounded in the theoretical and application of concepts

Evaluation method

Continuous assessment in two components: theoretical (2 individual Mini-Tests - each with 30% of the final classification) and theoretical-practical: (production and oral presentation of a research project on the synthesis and mobilization of assimilates and crop production, based on literature and laboratory studies - 40% of the final classification).

Final rating: (0.30*Mini-Test1) + (0.30*Mini-Test2) + (0.40*Research work). Approval requires a minimum score of 9.5 (scale of 20 values) for each component (theoretical-practical and theoretical).

Students without approval in the continuous assessment will be submitted to exam. Rating equal to 0.6*Exam+0.4*classification of theoretical-practical. Approval with a minimum grade of 9.5 (scale of 20 values)

Subject matter

Introductory aspects - General characterization of additives on the technological function; General classification of types of additives and analysis of potential uses in the food industry: Preservatives; antioxidants; Acidifying and Acidity Regulators; Melting salts; Toughening Agents and Coating; Flavor enhancers; Modified Starches; Gases and Gas Packaging Thrusters; Chemical leavening.


Programs where the course is taught: