Forests and Human Health
To understand the importance of the forests in the evolution of human societies
To recognize the main threats to the world´s forests
To recognize the importance of the forests as sources of bioactive compounds and drugs
To recognize the effects of deforestation in human health
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Fernando Henrique da Silva Reboredo
Weekly - 6
Total - 116
Teaching language
Available soon
Colfer C.J.P. (ed). 2012. Human Health and Forests: A Global Overview of Issues, Practice and Policy. 2nd edit., Earthscan Ltd., 400 pp
Nilsson K. et al., (Editors). 2011. Forests, Trees and Human Health, Springer, 427 pp
International Forestry Review, 2011. Vol. 13(3) Special Issue: Forests, Biodiversity and Food Security.
Karjalainen E., Sarjala T., Raitio H. (2010) Environ Health Prev Med 15:1–8
Chaves L.F. et al., (2008) PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2(2): e176.
Unasylva, FAO (2006) Forests and Human Health, Vol. 57, nº 224
Colfer C.J.P., Sheil D., Kishi M. 2006. Forests and Human Health. Assessing the Evidence, CIFOR, Occasional Paper nº45, 121 pp
Teaching method
Available soon
Evaluation method
Available soon
Subject matter
People, forests and food. The importance of forest and forest-based products in the survival and expansion of human societies. The importance of forest in the consolidation of the Portuguese territory.
Human health problems associated with forests – as forest ecosystem alterations may increase spread of diseases
Forests and medicine - forest as a source of bioactive compounds and drugs.
Role of indigenous culture in treatment diseases. Traditional knowledge and beliefs.
The European Forest Policy - the main forest action programs.
Programs where the course is taught: