Introduction to Biomaterials


The main goal of the course is to give an insight to materials structure-properties relationship, with enphasis on materials for biomedical applications.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

João Paulo Miranda Ribeiro Borges


Weekly - 4

Total - 70

Teaching language





-William F. Smith, Principles of Materials Science and Engineering, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 1996

-Buddy D. Ratner et. al (ed), Biomaterials Science - An introduction to Materials in Medicine, Academic Press, New York, 1996

- Teacher''s handouts

Teaching method

Two tipes of presencial classes: Lectures (2h/week); Practical (2 h/week). Lectures will be supported by powerpoint slides.

Tuturial classes are also available every week (2 h/week) for supporting the students in there homework.

Evaluation method

Evaluation has 3 components:

1 - Individual Quiz Tests concerning Lab activities (MTL);
2 - Reports (RAL) of lab activities. These are group reports;
3 - 2 Tests (TP) or a Final Exam (EF) covering lecture topics. Minimum average grade = 8.0 (out of 20).

Approval in the course depends on the presence in all lab classes (mandatory) and MTL grades higher than/or equal to 9.5 (out of 20).

Final grade is obtained by:

i) 0,15*MTL+0,25RAL+0,60*TP (TP is the average of the grades of the 2 tests);


ii) 0,15*MTL+0,25RAL+0,60*EF

Subject matter

Theorectical topics:

1. Materials classificatiion. Biomaterials and biocompatibility.

2. Metalic and Ceramic materials: Crystal structure and crystal geometry; X-ray diffraction; Crystalline imperfections.

5. Phase diagrams.

4. Polymeric Materials.

5. Mechanical properties of materials

6. Linear Viscoelasticity.

7. Rubber elasticity.

8. Elasticity of biological tissues: the formation of an aneurysm - analogy with rubber elasticity.

Lab classes:

1 - Synthesis of PMMA and Nylon 6-10

2 - Tensile tests of a metal and a polymer: Analysis of the stress-strain curve.

3 - Rubber elasticity (Gough-Joule effect, uniaxial and biaxial tensile tests).


Programs where the course is taught: