Environment and Sustainable Development
Acquisition of knowlege to understand of how natural ecosystems work and how humans alter the natural processes.
Explanation of the main environment problems presenting the available technologies for their prevention/solving and results of each one, to ptrovide a higher quality of life
Acquisition of knowledge to evaluate the pollution produced and development of pollution prevention and controlling in order of environment restoration.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
António Manuel Fernandes Rodrigues
Weekly - 3
Total - 46
Teaching language
Knowledge on environmental problems taught in high school is recommended.
Chiras, D (2006) Environmental Science. Creating a Sustainable Future, 7th ed. Jones & Bartlett Pub., Sudburry
Spoolman, S & Miller, G (2011) Living in the Environment: Principles, Connections, and Solutions, 17 ed. Brooks/Cole
vanLoon, G & Stephen, S (2011) Environmental Chemistry. A Global Perspective, 3th ed. Oxford Univ. Press
Wagner, T & Sanford, R (2009) Environmental Science: Active Learning Laboratories and Applied Problem Sets, 2nd ed. John Wiley, New York
Wright, R (2010) Environmental Science, 11th ed. Pearson Ed., Upper Saddle River
Teaching method
The theoric-practical classes are based on the presentation of several environmental problems in order to develop capacities to understand and solve environment problems. Use of informatic tools (Excel, PowerPoint and FrontPage) to solve exercices, to present homeworks and homepages. Homeworks about environmental problems will be developed by students with presentation and discussion. Classes will be complemented with a tutorial system using e-learning.
Evaluation method
Continuous evaluation.
Evaluation through four multiple choice mini tests (20% each mini-test) and a set of very short work done in class (20%).
Students are required to attend 2/3 of the classes.
FINAL CLASSIFICATION - arithmetic average of the five elements of evaluation, rounded to the nearest unit.
Subject matter
Available soon
Programs where the course is taught: