Urbanism, Transports and Environment


To give the future engineer capacities to analyse and understand the urban systems and the ways cities grown, decline and are transformed.

Special attention is given to the environmental aspects, transport, mobility and urban renewal. The aim is to bring the students to understand the causes and consequences of the main environmental problems in the cities and to enable them to intervene with solid knowledge in the resolution of those problems.

The student will acquire competences to integrate multi disciplinary teams dealing with planning and managing problems in the urban tissue. It is expected to open new fields of work for the environmental engineer.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

João António Muralha Ribeiro Farinha


Weekly - 3

Total - 46

Teaching language



Without specific requirements, beyond the necessary pro-activity of the student and willingness to explore the subjects and to deepen knowledge sometimes autonomously and in close articulation with the professor.


. Cidades do Futuro - Desafios, Visões e Perspectivas; EU, 2011. 

- Cidades para um Pequeno Planeta; Rogers, Richard; Ed. Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 2001.

- Ecologically Based MunicipalLand Use Planning; Honachefsky, William; Ed: Lewis Publishers, 2000.

. "Energias Urbanas - Desafios Urbanos";  Berlim, 2012. 

- Sustaining Cities - Environmental Planning and Management in Urban Design; Leitmann, Josef; Ed. McGraw-Hill, 1999.

- Sustainable Communities – The Potential for Eco-Neighbourhoods; Ed. Barton, Hugh; 2000.

- Urban Future 21 – A Global Agenda for 21’s Century Cities; Hall, Peter and et all; Ed. Alexandrine Press, 2000.

Teaching method

In theoretical classes, the teaching method tends to be more expositive with the help of slides, videos and other modes of communication. Where necessary there is room for broad debate.

In practical classes, the focus are methods and tolls followed by practical applications. The applications can be in the form of exercises done in the class room or by problem solving approach in concrete cases. These cases are presented and debated in groups.

Evaluation method

The evaluation method is continuous, in line with the orientation of the FCT.
It consists of 4 components: Work 1: 30%; Work 2: 30%; Test: 30%; Active participation in Classes and Exercíses: 10%.
Please see the Program and Valuation Mode available in CLIP.

Subject matter

“Cities, Transport and Urban Environment”  

This course studies urban areas in the perspective of reaching sustainable cities. Creates skills for practical intervention. It focuses on three main components:

(i) Planning and management of urban areas in accordance with good practices for sustainable urban development. It analyzes neighborhoods in Europe that are pointed out as good examples: Vauban, Hammarby, De Bonne, HafenCity, etc. and draws up guidelines.

(ii) Focus on transport systems, their environmental implications and their deep relationship with land use patterns and urban forms. Highlight for sustainable mobility, public transport and interfaces.

iii) Analysis of concrete urban cases, based on existing neighborhoods in AM Lisbon and building knowledge around the challenges encountered, aiming to identify robust and feasible solutions to the existing problems.