Awareness of the future Civil Engineer for architecture.
Understanding the architectural space.
Understanding models and architectural styles throughout history.
Approach to Engineering as inseparable discipline of architecture.
Architecture project in response to a problem, in conjunction with the Engineering Projects.
Awareness of sustainability.
Understanding the applicable legislation.
Graphic representation in Architecture and Engineering Projects.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Available soon
Weekly - 4
Total - 58
Teaching language
Available soon
Folhas de Apoio à Disciplina de Arquitectura
Benevolo 2014 Introdução à Arquitectura. Edições70
Ching 2011 Representação Gráfica em Arquitetura. Bookman
Ching & Juroszek 1998 Representação Gráfica para Desenho e Projeto. GG
Conran 2009 Eco House Book. Conran Octopus
Edwards 2005 Guía Básica de la Sostenibilidad. GG
Gonçalves & Graça 2004 Conceitos Bioclimáticos para os Edifícios em Portugal. INETI, DGGE
Janson 1989 História da Arte. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Jourda 2009 Pequeno Manual do Projecto Sustentável. GG
Llera 2006 Breve História da Arquitectura. Editorial Estampa
Neufert 2016 Arte de Projetar em Arquitetura. GG
Regulamento Geral das Edificações Urbanas, 2009, Porto Editora
Rodrigues, Sousa, & Bonifácio 1990 Vocabulário Técnico e Crítico de Arquitectura. Quimera
Tirone & Nunes 2007 Construção Sustentável. Tirone Nunes
Zevi 2009 Saber Ver a Arquitectura. Martins Fontes
Teaching method
Available soon
Evaluation method
Available soon
Subject matter
Awareness of the future Civil Engineer for architecture.
Understanding the architectural space.
Understanding models and architectural styles throughout history.
Approach to Engineering as inseparable discipline of architecture.
Architecture project in response to a problem, in conjunction with the Engineering Projects.
Awareness of sustainability.
Understanding the applicable legislation.
Graphic representation in Architecture and Engineering Projects.