Socio-Economics of Innovation
Knowledge of innovation processes in the company level, and of its implications and needs from the point of view of economy and society.
Information on scientifica and technological policies at the regionnal and regional level, as well, European and of other worls levels (mostly, US and Japan).
Analytical capability for indicators on scientific and technological innovation
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Paula Cristina Gonçalves Dias Urze
Weekly - 3
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
- knowledge of English in order to be able to read scientific articles and reports related to the matter
- basic knowledge on access to bibliographic data bases, either at FCT-UNL, or at
- usage of computer means to organise the course report
- regular access to the web page of the discipline
- Cuhls, Kerstin; Knut Blind, Hariolf Grupp: Innovations for our Future: Delphi98: New Foresight on Science and Technology. Heidelberg, Physica-Verlag, 2002
- Edquist, Charles (ed.) Systems of Innovations - Technologies, Institutions and Organizations, Pinter Publishers/Cassel Academic, 1997
- Koschatzky, Knut; Marianne Kulicke, Andrea Zenker (Eds.): Innovation Networks: Concepts and Challenges in the European Pespective. Heidelberg, Physica-Verlag, 2001
- Lundvall, Bengt-Ake; Borrás, Susana, The globalising learning economy: Implications for innovation policy, European Commission, Bruxelas, 1997.
- Nelson, Richard R., National Innovation Systems, Oxford University Press, New York, 1993.
- OECD, Boosting Innovation: The Cluster Approach, OECD, Paris, 1999.
Teaching method
In the continuous evaluation process at this course, the main objective is to develop group projects related to the final project (once the majority of students are in the last year). Each group must take a topic related to their engineering project theme, and analyse it through the collected information on innovation processes, their industrial application(s), research developed on that topic in Portugal, at the European level, and eventually on a specific national case. There must have place to collect information from Japanese and North American institution sources on innovation policies.
Evaluation method
Two evaluation forms:
- continuous
- final exam
The students must decide in the first two weeks on their option, and if the want the continuous evaluation form, they must attend regularly to the classes. The students must assign the discipline page on the Moodle server.
The continuous evaluation implies the work presented in a report (up to 30 pages) on a topic from the program. This report must be developed in a group work form of organisation. The individual assessment is made through an article analysis published in the data base
The report corresponds to 60% of the final classification
- the individual article analysis to 20%
- and the participation in the classes to 20%
Subject matter
- Introduction to socio-economics of innovation
- examples of industrial application of new technologies
- presentation of cases of socio-economical innovation
- the enterprise and the socio-economic innovation
- indicators for the analysis of scientific and technological potential (macro, meso and micro)
- main lines and programmes of scientific and technological policies
- contribution of industrial R&D for the social and economical development
- the "state of the art" of technological and industrial research