Advanced Manufacturing Processes and Non Destructive Testing
General characterization
Responsible teacher
João Pedro de Sousa Oliveira, Telmo Jorge Gomes dos Santos
Weekly - 4
Total - 72
Teaching language
Aulas em Português.
Teaching method
In the theoretical classes the material is presented and interaction with the students is encouraged.
In the laboratorial classes experiments are performed to highlight the key characteristics of different technologies and to gain laboratorial experience.
Classes can be made in English if foreign students are registered.
Evaluation method
The studens are evaluated based on a project.
This project is done with groups of 2 to 3 students and is delivered at the end of the semester. The work will be reviewed and discussed.
In the middle of the term there will be a preliminary presentation of the students'' project to see what is their envisaged plan.
Subject matter
Cutting: Laser, water jet, electroerosion and US
Welding: laser and its variants, electron beam, friction stir and its variants Friction Stir Processing Heat treating and coatings: PVD, CVD, LCVD, Sputtering Microfabrication Special Processes Polymer and composites processing technologies Non destructive testing Defects and its origins Visual inspection, dye penetrant, eddy current, X rays, US. Emerging processes