General Biology
By the end of the semester the students should be able to do the following
to interpret the biological thought in a historical and scientific context.
to integrate the unified concepts of Biology: cellular theory, transmission of the inheritance patterns, the central dogma of Molecular Biology, the evolution and the natural selection theory and the common ancestral concept, the biological diversity.
to understand the mechanisms of molecular Evolution and the role of the genomes evolution in biological diversity.
to reflect about scientific neutrality and about the social and ethical impact of the modern Biology.
to apply the theoretical knowledge in practical context.s
to be able to read scientific papers developing a critical attitude.
to develop of a good performance in oral communication of scientific matters in a clear and synthetic form.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Ana Madalena Peres de Drumond Ludovice Mendes Gomes
Weekly - 3
Total - 59
Teaching language
Available soon
Teaching method
Teaching strategy involves
theoretical lectures, where the main concepts are presented and during the explanation of subjects the students participation is stimulated;
problem-solving sessions, where the students are grouped in teams to solve exercises about the different topics; in these sessions the team also present and debate a theme or a scientific paper;
online activities are also performed by Team Based Learning sessions.
and Tutorial sessions.
Lecture handouts, exercises/problems series, scientific papers other learning supporter available in the course Moodle webpage and the Text books are available in the FCT Library.
Assessment: the evaluation is made by three partial tests along the semester and teamwork activities (TBL and oral presentation that are mandatory).
Evaluation method
Assessment/grading methods
The evaluation is made by three partial tests along the semester and team work activities (TBLs online and TBL in class ).
The final grade (up to 20 values) takes into consideration the following components:
The averaged of the classification of two partial tests (T)-max grade 14.
Pratical evaluation (PE) max grade 6 :
The averaged of the classification of 3 TBLs OL-max grade 2;
The Abstract max grade 1,5;
The averaged of the classification of 4 TBLs P-max grade 2,5
Final classification: FC=(T*0,7)+(PE*0,3)
Subject matter
This UC cover important topics that taken together bring the students to an understanding the evolution the Biology as Science and the establishment the Genetics, Evolution and Molecular Cell Biology as complementary subject areas.
1. Introduction
Biology and the History of Science.
The life under Natural History.
The emergence of the biology as a new subject area in the century XIX
2. Unified Concepts of Biology
The Cell theory and the development of Biology; cell division, cell cycle regulation and apoptosis.
Establishment of the Mendel postulates of inheritance; correlation between the Mendel postulates and the behaviour of chromosomes in cell division.
The concept of evolution before Darwin, the Darwin idea – evolution by natural selection; the transmission of hereditary characteristics in the evolutionary perspective – genesis of the Neo-Darwinism.
3. Establishment of Modern Genetics
Genes and Chromosomes; linkage and crossing over in genetic mapping.
Modifications of Mendelian’s ratios, analysis of pedigrees.
Probabilities theory and genetic events.
Central dogma of biology; DNA and proteins the key molecules in the transmission of genetic information.
4. Evolution and Biodiversity
Modern Synthesis - Evolution and Genetics agreement
Genetic stability and variability - population genetic structure (change in space and time)
Genetic differences between populations; species definition.
Reconstruction of the evolutionary history; tree of life.
Programs where the course is taught: