Water Resources Management
The discipline of Water Resources Management aims to provide the students with the necessary knowledge and tools for the water resources planning and management within a certain region or a hydrographic basin.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
António Pedro de Nobre Carmona Rodrigues
Weekly - 4
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Available soon
Cunha, L. V. (1981) - "Fundamentals of a new water resources management policy", Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon.
Henriques, A. Gonçalves (1985) - "Water resources evaluation in continental Portugal", Instituto de Estudos para o Desenvolvimento, Lisbon.
Leitão, A. E.; Rodrigues, A. C.; Henriques, A. G. (1996) - “A new vision for the portuguese water resources planning and management in the beginning of the 21st. century", 3rd Water Congress, APRH, Lisbon, March.
Lencastre, A.; Franco, F. M. (1992) - "Lessons of Hydrology", FCT-UNL, Monte de Caparica..
Loucks, D. P. and E. van Beek (2005) - Water Resources Systems Planning
and Management, UNESCO, Paris.
Teaching method
The syllabus theory is presented, explained and exemplified to students during lectures. The classes are used for the application of the concepts and techniques of the forum of hydrological modeling and management, by solving exercises and development of reports where the syllabus are applied in an integrated way. Students are required to develope, organize and presente this reports in the form of a paper or technical/scientific document.
Evaluation method
Students of the course are evaluated continuously throughout the semester.
The final grade (FG), between 0 and 20, is the result of weighing between the results of 1 test (T1) and two reports (TP1 and TP2) in accordance with the following formula:
NF = 0,4 x T1 + 0.3 x TP1 + 0,3 x TP2
The test score can be replaced by one from a final exam
Subject matter
Basic concepts and general principles. Historical perspective. Temporal and spatial scales used in water resources planning and management. Characterization of water uses: domestic, industrial and agricultural supply; energy production; recreational; effluent disposal; ecological quality and navigation.
Surface and groundwater availability in a river basin. Operation and evaluation of water resources systems. River basin planning and management models. Simulation and optimization techniques. Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis.