Food Analysis


Acquisition pd knowledge, ability and expertise:  (a) Analytical techniques for agro-food products; (b) Carrying out laboratorial analysis to foodstuff.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Ana Luísa Almaça da Cruz Fernando, Ana Lúcia Monteiro Durão Leitão


Weekly - 5

Total - 70

Teaching language



Basic background on analytical chemistry.


Belitz, H. D., Grosch, W., Schieberle, P. (2009) Food Chemistry, 4th Edition,  Springer (Publs), 1071 pp. (ISBN 354069935X) 

Fellows, P. (2009) Food Processing Technology: Principles and Practice, 3rd Edition, Woodhead Publishing in Food Science and Technology (Ed.), CRC Press (Publs,), 913 pp (ISBN 978-1439808214 ) 

Coultate, T.P. (2009) Food: the chemistry of its components, 5th Edition, Royal Society of Chemistry (Publs.), Cambridge, UK, 500 pp (ISBN 978 0854041114)

Teaching method

Lectures sessions with datashow. Laboratorial sessions.

Evaluation method

- Continuous assessment with 4 elements of evaluation:

Theoretical-Practical Evaluation: 2 Tests (each one 35% to the final grade).Weighted average of the 2 elements of evaluation must be equal or higher than 9.5 values (scale of 20).

Laboratorial Evaluation: 2 Mini-Tests (each one 15% to the final grade). Mini-tests are used to assess knowledge in Module I and II. The presence in the classes of Module is mandatory to have access to the mini-test.

Frequency is obtained with the presence in 2/3 of practical classes. It is not allowed the use of graphing scientific calculator.

Final rating: (0.70*Theoretical-Practical evaluation) + (0.30*Laboratorial evaluation). Approval is obtained with a minimum score of 9.5 (scale of 20).

- Students without approval on the continuous assessment examination can proceed to the final exam, with the classification being defined by: 0.70 *Exam + 0.30*Classification of the Laboratorial evaluation. Approval is obtained with a minimum score of 9.5 (scale of 20).

- Improvement of the classification requires a registration in the schedule examination period. The classification of the practical component cannot be improved and follows in the next year.

Subject matter

Lectures: 1. General composition of an agro-food product. 2. Errors in food analysis. Preparation of samples for analysis. 3. Gravimetric methods. 4. Volumetric methods. 5. Potenciometric methods. 6. Spectrophotometric methods.

Practical component: 1. Analytical determinations: moisture, pH, acidity, total protein, ashes, total fat to several food; 2. Problem solving: Worked examples and Exercises.


Programs where the course is taught: