Food Analysis
Acquisition pd knowledge, ability and expertise: (a) Analytical techniques for agro-food products; (b) Carrying out laboratorial analysis to foodstuff.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Ana Luísa Almaça da Cruz Fernando, Ana Lúcia Monteiro Durão Leitão
Weekly - 5
Total - 70
Teaching language
Basic background on analytical chemistry.
Teaching method
Lectures sessions with datashow. Laboratorial sessions.
Evaluation method
- Continuous assessment with 4 elements of evaluation:
Theoretical-Practical Evaluation: 2 Tests (each one 35% to the final grade).Weighted average of the 2 elements of evaluation must be equal or higher than 9.5 values (scale of 20).
Laboratorial Evaluation: 2 Mini-Tests (each one 15% to the final grade). Mini-tests are used to assess knowledge in Module I and II. The presence in the classes of Module is mandatory to have access to the mini-test.
Frequency is obtained with the presence in 2/3 of practical classes. It is not allowed the use of graphing scientific calculator.
Final rating: (0.70*Theoretical-Practical evaluation) + (0.30*Laboratorial evaluation). Approval is obtained with a minimum score of 9.5 (scale of 20).
- Students without approval on the continuous assessment examination can proceed to the final exam, with the classification being defined by: 0.70 *Exam + 0.30*Classification of the Laboratorial evaluation. Approval is obtained with a minimum score of 9.5 (scale of 20).
- Improvement of the classification requires a registration in the schedule examination period. The classification of the practical component cannot be improved and follows in the next year.
Subject matter
Lectures: 1. General composition of an agro-food product. 2. Errors in food analysis. Preparation of samples for analysis. 3. Gravimetric methods. 4. Volumetric methods. 5. Potenciometric methods. 6. Spectrophotometric methods.
Practical component: 1. Analytical determinations: moisture, pH, acidity, total protein, ashes, total fat to several food; 2. Problem solving: Worked examples and Exercises.