Agro-Industrial Production and Sustainability
To be able to understand the integrated dimension of the agro-industrial production chain.
To understand the importance of agro-industry in human diet.
To know the main threats to agro-industry, from climate changes to the pollution of agro-ecosystems.
To recognize that food safety is compatible with environmental-friendly sustainable practices.
To recognize the potential of agro-industrial wastes (currently seen as low value materials) as bio-resource to produce value added products
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Fernando Henrique da Silva Reboredo
Weekly - 4
Total - 56
Teaching language
the students must have basic knowledge about biology, physiology, chemistry and biochemestry
1. Basch, G., Kassam, A., González-Sánchez, E. J. & Streit, B. 2012. Making sustainable agriculture real in CAP 2020. The role of conservation agriculture. The European Conservation Agriculture Federation (ECAF), Brussels, 48 pg., ISBN: 978-84-615-8106-1
2. Da Silva, C. A., Baker, D., Shepherd, A. W., Jenane, C. & Miranda-da-Cruz, S. (Ed). 2009. Agro-industries for Development, CABI Publishers, 278 pg., ISBN: 978-1-84593-576-4
3. Nigam, P.S. & Pandey, A. (Ed). 2009. Biotechnology for agro-industrial residues utilisation: Utilisation of agro-residues, Springer-Verlag, 466 pg., ISBN: 978-1-4020-9941-0
4. Robinson, G. M. (ed). 2008. Sustainable Rural Systems: Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Communities. Ashgate Publishing Limited, 210 pg., ISBN: 978-0-7546-4715-7
Teaching method
Theoretical lectures are held using data-show and e-learning methods (use of the Moodle platform). Theoretical-practical sessions consist of analysis and interpretation of case studies. The projects and/or works begin in theoretic-practical sessions through online research about the issues related with the Curricular Unit (CU), existing thereafter a continuous orientation by the Responsible. Students will have access to all the bibliography and materials (power-points, PDFs) used in the CU which will be put on a web-platform. The theoretical and theoretic-practical lectures are complemented with personalized attention in Tutorial classes, although the Responsible by the CU is always available for doubts and guidance aspects.
Evaluation method
Continuous assessment in two components: theoretical (1 individual Test - each with 50% of the final classification) and theoretical-practical: (work development and oral presentation and discussion - 40%+10% of the final classification).
Final rating: (0.50*Test) + (0.40*Written work) + (0.10*Oral presentation and discussion of written work). Approval requires a minimum score of 9.5 (scale of 20 values) for each component (theoretical-practical and theoretical).
Students without approval in the continuous assessment will be submitted to exam. Rating equal to 0.5*Exam+0.5*classification of theoretical-practical. Approval with a minimum grade of 9.5 (scale of 20 values)
Subject matter
The agro-industry and the global economy
The economic importance of plant and animal production. From production to the marketing.
The importance of quality and food safety
Recovery and utilization of agro-industrial wastes.
The main threats to agro-industrial sustainability – climate changes, soil availability, loss of soil fertility and soil erosion, pollution of agro-ecosystems, among others.
European programs of agro-industrial development and environmental-friendly measures
Programs where the course is taught: