Energy Efficiency


The aim of this course is to motivate the new generation of engineering students to the current challenge of energy efficiency, a theme that is detailed throughout the program, which emphasizes the available energy sources, the dimensional parameters associated with energy efficiency, such as energy efficiency.yields, COP and EER, as well as the increasing use of renewable energy, all with a view to reversing environmental problems, reducing overall energy consumption while maintaining as much current comfort as possible, notably in air conditioning and means of transport.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

João José Lopes de Carvalho, José Fernando de Almeida Dias


Weekly - 4

Total - 72

Teaching language



Enrolled students must have studied Applied Thermodynamics and Heat Transmission to understand EE topics.


1 - Carvalho, J. L. (2017) “Transferência de Calor e Eficiência Energética” (1ª Edição), NOVA Editorial - FCT/UNL.

2 - Ramage, Janet (2003). “Guia da Energia” Ed. Monitor

3 - ADENE (2012). Guia da Eficiência Energética, Versão 1310, disponível em: parceiro/guia-de-eficiência-energética.

4Andrews, John & Jelley, Nick (2007) “Energy Science” Oxford University Press, New York.

5Rodrigues, A. M., Piedade, A. C. e Braga, A. M. (2009). Térmica de Edifícios (1ª Edição). Editora Orion.

Teaching method

Oral presentation, during the classes, of the detailed subjects on energy.

Evaluation method

According to the objectives of the course, of the seminar type, each student chooses a theme that interests him or her most in the course syllabus and gives an initial summary that shows the teacher to develop a monograph (mini-thesis) during the semester.

The final grade will be awarded by the teacher after reading the monograph delivered within the deadline.

Subject matter


2 - Historical reasons

3 - Available energy sources and technologies

4 - Principles of energy efficiency

5 - Energy efficiency in buildings

6 - Energy efficiency in transport and industry

7 - Future Perspectives


Programs where the course is taught: