Sociology of Organizations


The programme of Sociology of Organisations course aims at providing fundamental theoretical organisational concepts and diagnosis methodology for sociological studies about organisations.

A number of examples based on service enterprises, universities, public administration and other organizational structures, are discussed.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Paula Cristina Gonçalves Dias Urze


Weekly - 3

Total - 50

Teaching language



Available soon


BERNOUX, Philippe (1985), Sociologie des Organisations, Paris, Seuil.

EMERY, F.E. (1959), Caracteristics of Socio-Technical Systems, Londres, Tavistock.

FAYOL, Henri (1925), Admnistration Industrielle et Générale, Paris, Dunod.

HALL, R. (1999), Organizations: structures, processes and outcomes. London, Sage.

HANDEL, Michael J. (ed) (2003), The Sociology of Organizations: Classic, Contemporary and Critical Readings, London, Sage.

MITCHELL, Terence R. and LARSON, James R. (1987) People in Organizations. An Introduction to Organizational Behavior, Nova Iorque, McGraw-Hill

ROBBINS, Stephen (1991), Organizational Behavior: Concepts, Controversies and Applications, Nova Iorque, Prentice-Hall

Salvendy G, Karwowski W (1994), Design of Work and Development of Personnel in Advanced Manufacturing, Wiley


Teaching method


  • presentation of themes, theories, approaches
  • presentation and discussion of films on cases, or documentary films
  • case study visits
  • tutorial support in the developement of empirical work for the report

Evaluation method

a)continuous assessment


b) final examination 

if a), then a written report must be organised, through a working group, and the topics discussed with the teachers (± 30 pages).

everyone much be enrolled at the Moodle webpage of the discipline.

participation in the classes: 25%

Report: 50%

Workshop: 25% 

if needed, an examination in English can be provided to foreign students  

Subject matter

Sociology of Organisations

  1. Theoretical perspectives and research methods.
    1. Methods and techniques of research in Sociology of Organizations.
    2. Sociological reference frameworks.
  2. The organizations nature.
    1. The concept of organization: nature and configurations.
    2. The organization as a sociological space.
    3. Technology and organization in industry and services.
    4. Organization types of the industrial and post-industrial society.
  3. Technological and organisational Innovation.
    1. Organizational design and technological and social innovation.
    2. Organisational diagnosis and new management process.
  4. Power and Culture (motivation, leadership, communication).
    1. Power, authorities and decision making.
    2. The concept of organisational culture. motivation, leadership and agreement process.
    3. Communication and entrepreneurship


Programs where the course is taught: