Sociology of Organizations
The programme of Sociology of Organisations course aims at providing fundamental theoretical organisational concepts and diagnosis methodology for sociological studies about organisations.
A number of examples based on service enterprises, universities, public administration and other organizational structures, are discussed.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Paula Cristina Gonçalves Dias Urze
Weekly - 3
Total - 50
Teaching language
Available soon
BERNOUX, Philippe (1985), Sociologie des Organisations, Paris, Seuil.
EMERY, F.E. (1959), Caracteristics of Socio-Technical Systems, Londres, Tavistock.
FAYOL, Henri (1925), Admnistration Industrielle et Générale, Paris, Dunod.
HALL, R. (1999), Organizations: structures, processes and outcomes. London, Sage.
HANDEL, Michael J. (ed) (2003), The Sociology of Organizations: Classic, Contemporary and Critical Readings, London, Sage.
MITCHELL, Terence R. and LARSON, James R. (1987) People in Organizations. An Introduction to Organizational Behavior, Nova Iorque, McGraw-Hill
ROBBINS, Stephen (1991), Organizational Behavior: Concepts, Controversies and Applications, Nova Iorque, Prentice-Hall
Salvendy G, Karwowski W (1994), Design of Work and Development of Personnel in Advanced Manufacturing, Wiley
Teaching method
- presentation of themes, theories, approaches
- presentation and discussion of films on cases, or documentary films
- case study visits
- tutorial support in the developement of empirical work for the report
Evaluation method
a)continuous assessment
b) final examination
if a), then a written report must be organised, through a working group, and the topics discussed with the teachers (± 30 pages).
everyone much be enrolled at the Moodle webpage of the discipline.
participation in the classes: 25%
Report: 50%
Workshop: 25%
if needed, an examination in English can be provided to foreign students
Subject matter
Sociology of Organisations
- Theoretical perspectives and research methods.
- Methods and techniques of research in Sociology of Organizations.
- Sociological reference frameworks.
- The organizations nature.
- The concept of organization: nature and configurations.
- The organization as a sociological space.
- Technology and organization in industry and services.
- Organization types of the industrial and post-industrial society.
- The concept of organization: nature and configurations.
- Technological and organisational Innovation.
- Organizational design and technological and social innovation.
- Organisational diagnosis and new management process.
- Organizational design and technological and social innovation.
- Power and Culture (motivation, leadership, communication).
- Power, authorities and decision making.
- The concept of organisational culture. motivation, leadership and agreement process.
- Communication and entrepreneurship
- Power, authorities and decision making.
Programs where the course is taught: