Processes in Chemical Engineering and Biochemistry


Integrative Course on mass and energy balances.

Understanding the principles that govern chemical processes.

Integration of knowledge learned in previously chemical engineering courses (Transport Phenomena, Chemical Reactors, Chemical Thermodynamics) in the formulation and resolution of material and energy balances applied to discontinuous, semi-continuous and continuous processes.

Knowledge of the sources of scientific and technical information in CBE and its usefulness in research and data acquisition for the design of unit operations.

Development of the capacity for autonomous acquisition of knowledge, critical analysis of available information, capacity for synthesis, argumentation and communication, and ability to work in group.

The actual accomplishment of the previous objectives essentially passes through a correct learning of the topics exposed in the classes and the resolution of exemplary exercises. This will necessarily be achieved by frequent attendance in the classes of students enrolled in the UC.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Pedro Miguel Calado Simões


Weekly - 4

Total - 72

Teaching language



Available soon


Available soon

Teaching method

Available soon

Evaluation method

The continuous assessment of the course consists of two components:

1. Two tests (“testes”) to be performed, each one worth 25% of the final grade. The duration of each test is 1.5 hours. Each test is evaluated from 0 to 20 values. The evaluation is individual and without consultation. A minimum score of  9.5 values, on the scale of 0 to 20, is required in the simple arithmetic mean of the scores of the two tests.

2. Presentation and presentation of a work (to be carried out in a group of 4 elements). Account for 50% of the final grade. It consists of resolving a case study covering the subjects covered in the classes. The classification of the work is obtained by the report submitted, by the presentation, and by the defence / discussion made. A minimum classification of 9.5 values, in the scale of 0 to 20, is required in this evaluation component.

If the student does not have approval in the first component of the evaluation (the two tests) or opts not to do it, he / she will be entitled to go to the final exam (“exame de recurso”). A minimum grade of 9.5 values, on the scale of 0 to 20, is required in the exam grade.

It should be emphasized that whether the student chooses to take the tests or the final exam, it will ALWAYS be mandatory to carry out the 2nd component of the evaluation of the discipline, that is, the performance and presentation of the group work.

Final grade of the course: weighted average of the marks obtained in the two assessment components according to the following formula:

      Final mark = 0.25 × Note 1st Test + 0.25 × Note 2nd Test + 0.5 × Note Work

The grades of the two tests and the work are rounded to the tenths. The final grade must be greater than or equal to 10 points for approval in the discipline.

Subject matter

Review of fundamental concepts of material and energy balance to reactive and non-reactive systems at steady state.

Material and energy balances to processes involving solutions or mixtures.

The estimation of Physical Properties. Methodologies for the calculation and prediction of physicochemical properties.

Material and energy balances applied to combustion processes. Water vapor as a utility in the chemical industry.

Balances to transient processes. Processes in batch or semi-continuous. Material and energy balances.


Programs where the course is taught: