Production Management


At the end of this course the student will have acquired the knowledge, skills and competences that allow him:
• Identify a comprehensive set of planning and management models
• Identify and characterize productive environments
• Characterize the main production costs and capacities
• Design aggregate plans
• Design production master plans
• Identify classic models of inventory
• Define material and resource requirement plans
• Implement management and control methods at the operational level, and
• Identify and adopt the most appropriate support models for management and control.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Ana Paula Ferreira Barroso, António Carlos Bárbara Grilo


Weekly - 4

Total - 56

Teaching language



Available soon


Krajewski L. J., Malhotra M. K., Ritzman L. P. (2019) Operations Management. Processes and Supply Chains, Pearson Education Limited, 12th ed., Global edition, Harlow, England. 

Slack N., Brandon-Jones A., Johnston R. (2016) Operations Management, Pearson Education Limited, 8th ed., Harlow, England.

Heizer J. e Render B. (2011) Operations Management, Pearson/Prentice Hall, 10th ed., New Jersey.  

Stevenson W.J. (2006) Production/Operations Management, Irwin/ McGraw-Hill, 9th ed., Boston.

Roldão V.S. e Ribeiro J.S. (2007) Gestão das Operações. Uma Abordagem Integrada, Monitor, Lisboa.

Teaching method

In lectures the expositive method is adopted to present concepts, methods and models. Oral questions are frequently made for prerequisite control, knowledge assessment and stimulate students’ participation.

In laboratory sessions the experimental method is adopted. Active methods are used. The students are challenged with multifaceted problems which should be solved. Also, case studies are analyzed and discussed. Frequently teamwork is used.

Evaluation method

The curricular unit assessment will be based on 3 closed-book Tests (T1, T2 and T3):
          T1 - 30% 
          T2 - 35% e 
          T3 - 35%.

The student must do 2 assignments.

Final grade = 0,30 T1 + 0,35 T2 + 0,35 T3  (T3: at least 7 out of 20)


Final grade = Final exam

It is only allowed to use scientific calculator.

A student is approved if the final grade is at least 9.5 out of 20.

Subject matter

1. Introduction. Production and Operations Management
              1.1 Production and operations management
              1.2 Competitiveness versus productivity
              1.3 Productivity measures

2. Strategic Production Management
              2.1 Process strategies
              2.2 Assembly-line balancing
              2.3 Theoretical and balancing efficiency

3. Medium Range Production Planning
              3.1 Capacity planning
              3.2 Aggregate planning
              3.3 Master production schedule 

4. Inventory Management
              4.1 ABC analysis
              4.2 Inventory systems
              4.3 Inventory models for constant and independent demand
              4.4 Safety stock

5. Forecasting Models
              5.1  Importance in planning
              5.2 Type of forecasting models
              5.3 Time series and their components
              5.4 Absolute and relative forecast errors
              5.5 Smoothing models

6. Material Requirements Planning
              6.1 Lot sizing techniques

7. Manufacturing Resource Planning

8. Short-term Scheduling
              8.1 Loading jobs
              8.2 Sequencing jobs

9. Supply Chain Management