General Organic Chemistry


Background knowledge in Organic Chemistry for a future Chemical/Biochemical Engineer.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Elvira Maria Sardão Monteiro Gaspar


Weekly - 4

Total - 77

Teaching language



Basic knowledge in Physics and general Chemistry. Fundamentals of Chemical bond theory and Physical Chemistry.


Recommended book:

  • Organic Chemistry (5th edition) by Paula Yurkanis Bruice
  • Organic Chemistry with Biological Applications 2e by John E. McMurry

Complimentary bibliography:

  • Streitwieser, A.; Heathcock, C.; Kosower, E. “Introduction to Organic Chemistry”, MacMillan, 4ª Ed., 1992
  • Volhardt, K.; Schore, N.E. “Organic Chemistry”, W.H. Freeman & Co., 3ª Ed., 1999


Support Materials for classes:


  • Gaspar, E. "Guia de Laboratório de Química Orgânica Geral ", Setembro, 2018
  • Gaspar, E "Folhas de Problemas e Problemas resolvidos" (available in Clip platform before classes)

Teaching method

Theoretical classes, with digital support and application examples.

Resolution of exercises and application examples.

Laboratory works, illustrating basic experimental techniques, security rules, spectroscopy applications and simple chemical reactions.

Evaluation method

Evaluation methodoly:
60% of the classification for the theoretical component and 40% of the classification for the practical component.
Each of the components of the discipline and their constituents can not have an evaluation lower than 9,5 values ​​
(classification from 0 to 20). 
Classification of the theoretical component: 
- Average of 2 tests (75%) 
- Self-evaluation by the student taking into account their presence and work respecting theoretical-practical classes (25%). This parameter has a maximum ponderation effect of more 1 value over the final score of tests evaluation. .
 Obligatory attendance in 2/3 of existing theoretical-practical classes.
Practical component classification:
Evaluation by the teacher (75%) taking into account the presence in practical classes, preparation of classes (laboratory notebook) and student performance during them.
Mandatory presence in 2/3 of the existing practical classes.

Average of the evaluation made by colleagues (except the group colleague) (25%) which will take place in the last practical class of the semester, by presenting one of the works (indicated by the teacher) made by the working group members in the classes. . The evaluation by colleagues cannot add more than 1 value to the evaluation made by the teacher. None of the evaluation components and their constituent parameters may be less than 9.5 values.
The evaluation by colleagues cannot add more than 1 value to the evaluation made by the teacher.

None of the evaluation components and their constituent parameters may be less than 9.5 values.

Subject matter

1. Introduction. Strucure of organic compounds. Covalent bonds. Hybridisation. Resonance and aromaticity. Functional groups. Physical properties.

2. Reactivity in Organic Chemistry. Kinetics and thermodinamics. Reaction mechanisms. Acidity and basicity.

3. Saturated hydrocarbons. Isomerism, Conformational analysis. Radical reactions.

4. Stereochemistry.

5. Nucleophylic substitution and elimination reactions. Mechanisms snd rectivity.

6. Unsaturated hydrocarbons. Addition reactions. Reactions of aromatic compounds.

7. Carbonyl compounds.


Programs where the course is taught: