NOVA Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine


The Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (IHMT) is a young, century-old institution, unique in the Portuguese academy. Initially focused on the study, teaching and clinical aspects of tropical diseases, has evolved towards an integrated approach that goes from the molecular level to global health systems, adopting, without abandoning its tropical vocation, a strong commitment in solving health problems that , on all continents, afflict the poorest and the most excluded.

Since its inception, the institute has been at the forefront of research into the major tropical endemic diseases, and these lines of work still remain, now reinforced by studies on tuberculosis, HIV, prevalent viruses in the tropics, travelers 'or migrant populations' health and health service systems, which lend IHMT a strong international profile in the scope of networks and projects in partnership.

The IHMT has been recognized nationally and internationally, not only for its history, but also for its scientific quality in postgraduate education, research and for its contribution to health development cooperation in PALOP, Brazil and East Timor.

In the context of UNL, it contributes to its reinforcement and institutional cohesion, combining its centennial history with innovation and the excellence of its scientific activity. Within the strategic guidelines of the UNL, the IHMT has been actively leading its administrative and scientific policy with a greater interchange between the different UNL Organizational Units with the view of new actions and innovative domains.

In its training program the IHMT develops efforts to be the reference in the Portuguese-speaking world and to respond to the needs of the Portuguese-speaking countries, sharing their knowledge with other Organic Units with new offers of courses and teaching post-graduation programs, seeking to deepen new thematic and specializations needed in the current global world.

In the field of scientific research, the IHMT has a nationally and internationally recognized level of excellence focused mainly on Tropical Medicine and Health areas considered problematic in developing countries.

The research work is closely associated with doctoral and master's programs, as well as with technical advice and consultation to ministries of health in Portugal and other countries. The quality of the IHMT's performance was recognized by WHO with the award of Collaborating Center for Health Workforce Planning and Policy.


Mobility students

For more information on Student Mobility, contact:

Academic Division
Tel (direct): +351 21 365 26 08
General: + 351 21 365 26 00
Fax: + 351 21 363 21 05
Rua da Junqueira 100 - 1349-008 Lisboa

Academic authorities

  • Director Paulo de Lyz Ferrinho
  • Secretary Paula Brás da Costa
  • Scientific Council President Lenea Campino
  • Pedagogic Council President Miguel Viveiros Bettencourt

Admission and enrollment

Applications for the 2nd cycle
1st phase

Application period: May 03 to May 28, 2019
Application evaluation: until June 05, 2019
Results announcement: until June 07, 2019
Admission / Enrollment: June 08 to June 30, 2019
2nd phase
Application period: July 02 to July 22, 2019
(The opening of this phase is subject to the existence of vacancies)
Application evaluation: until July 29, 2019
Results announcement: until July 31, 2019
Admission / Enrollment: August 01 to August 18, 2019
3rd phase
Application period: August 20 to September 08, 2019
(The opening of this phase is subject to the existence of vacancies)lt;br>Application evaluation: until September 12, 2019
Results announcement: until September 13, 2019
Admission / Enrollment: September 14 to September 25, 2019
Applications for the 3rd cycle
1st phase Application period: May 03 to June 23, 2019
Application evaluation: until July 12, 2019
Results announcement: until July 16, 2019

Admission / Enrollment: until August 15, 2019
2nd phaseApplication evaluation: until September 13, 2019
Results announcement: until September 16, 2019
Admission / Enrollment: until September 25, 2019
Required documentation:
Completion of the application online, available at

Mandatory documents to be attached during the online application:
• Curriculum Vitae (5 pages maximum) (PDF)
• Motivation Letter (PDF)
• Certificate of Qualification
• 1 Photo (.jpg)

Optional documents to be attached during the online application:
• Recommendation Letters (PDF)
• Identification Document (PDF)
• Other certificates (1 single PDF)
Academic Division schedule:
During the class period
Opening Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
4ªs: Closed
On school vacations Opening Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
4ªs: Closed
Academic Division contacts

Tel: + 351 21 365 26 08

Payment of the Admission can be made using the following forms:
• ATM and Bank Transfer Reference , • In the treasury by: Check, ATM or Cash
<(The proof of payments made by bank transfer must be sent to, duly identified with the name of the student and course).>

Treasury schedule
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

The enrollment of the students in the curricular units is performed in the platform Netp @ and starts in the end of September / beginning of October, after the enrollment. Students will receive indications about the procedure in a timely manner and follow-up by the Academic Division.

Practical information


Localization: basement of the IHMT
Tel: 21 365 26 00 - Extension 157
• O sistema de fotocópias funciona em self-service. Os alunos poderão adquirir o cartão de fotocópias a na Biblioteca.
• IHMT students have access to the use of computers in the room adjacent to the library reading room.

Food services

Food services
IHMT Cafeteria
8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Tel: 21 365 26 15

Special needs facilities

Special needs facilities
The IHMT has 2 parking spaces for disabled people, access ramps at the entrance door and two bathrooms.
IHMT does not have equipment for students with special needs.

Other information

Other information Access to the IHMT by Public Transport: P>Tram:
Nº 15 Praça da Figueira (subway connection) - Pedrouços

714 - Praça da Figueira - Outorela
727 – Areeiro - Restelo
732 - Hospital de Stª Maria - Caselas
751- Campolide - Linda-a-Velha
756 - Picheleira/Olaias - Praça das Indústrias
Avenida da índia Bus 728 - Moscavide - Restelo

Public parking:

Near Rua da Junqueira, there are two paid parking facilities: one underground in front of the IHMT and another in front of the Lisbon Congress Center.

Private Parking in IHMT:

Access to the parking lot of the IHMT is allowed to students who attend our Doctorate and Master's degree courses, upon the payment of an annual amount to be fixed by order of the Director. For the academic year 2018/2019, the value is € 60 and the registration can be performed by completing the assigned form and sent by e-mail to the Academic Division.


IHMT students have access to affordable accommodation through the Social Services of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Address: Campus Universitário de Campolide, 1099-032 Lisboa;
Tel: 21 371 56 00
Fax: 21 371 56 72

Health and Insurance:

IHMT students and trainees are obliged to pay a school insurance of € 5, which includes the following coverage: Professional and extra-professional risk emergencies; death or permanent disability; treatment and repatriation expenses.


ENSP - Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública
Av Padre Cruz, Lisboa – (Tel. 21 751 21 00)

INSA - Instituto Nacional Dr. Ricardo Jorge
Av Padre Cruz, Lisboa - (Tel. Geral 21 751 92 00)
Library: 21 751 93 81

FCM - Faculdade de Ciências Médicas
Cp. Mártires da Pátria – (Tel. 21 880 30 00)
Library: 21 880 30 55

FM - Faculdade de Medicina
Av. Prof Egas Moniz – (Tel. 21 798 51 00)
Library: 21 798 51 32

UC - Universidade Católica
Caminho Palma Cima – (Tel. 21 721 40 00)
Library: 21 721 40 11

BN - Library Nacional
Campo Grande (Tel. - 21798.20.00)

ISCTE – Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa
Av. Forçias Armadas (Tel. - 21793.50.00)
Library: 21 790 30 24

ITQB – Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica
Av. da Republica, EAN (Tel.21 4469 100)
Library : 21 4469 256

IGC – Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência
Rua da Quinta Grande 6 (Tel.21 4407900)
Library: 21 446 45 06

School calendar