PhD in Bioengineering – Cell Therapies and Regenerative Medicine

Education objectives

Regenerative Medicine is an emergent cross-disciplinary field relying on highly specialized professionals with a transdisciplinary and integrated education. The international PhD Program in Bioengineering – Cell Therapies and Regenerative Medicine is designed to promote the emergence of research leaders in academia, hospitals and industry, able to produce cutting-edge developments on Regenerative Medicine, translated into clinical applications, and to promote new business ventures, improving human health and economic growth.

This PhD program encompasses a training approach with three main focuses:

i) Educational focus, through an innovative curricular structure (see Structure & Schedule) promoting a holistic approach based on the bed-to-bench-to-bed paradigm, where research projects are driven by clinical needs, and outcomes are aimed at translation into clinical applications;

ii) Research focus, through promotion of ground-breaking research carried out in collaboration of Portuguese and top international groups, hospitals and companies (see Host Institutions / Collaborations), thereby contributing to the formation of professionals with a solid education and able to act in this emergent cross-disciplinary field with privileged access to a broad international network;

iii) Clinical translation focus, aligned with a go-to-market attitude. A integrated training of PhD students by MDs, bioengineers and business developers that pioneered the field of Regenerative Medicine in Portugal will be pursued, aiming to promote the development of novel Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs) with high technological impact in the healthcare sector, thereby allowing Portuguese SMEs to compete at international level.

The program will include training and supervision by MDs with a vast clinical experience, leaders of top international research groups and professionals of six Portuguese companies in the field of Regenerative Medicine. Students’ training will also include placements at international groups, hospitals and companies committed with the program (see Collaborations).

General characterization

DGES code



PhD (3rd Cycle)



Access to other programs

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Manuel Carrondo (IBET/ITQB)

Opening date

More information:


The PhD Program Bioengineering – Cell Therapies and Regenerative Medicine is funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, IP (FCT, IP). Each academic year, scholarships are available for ten outstanding PhD candidates.


The PhD Program Bioengineering – Cell Therapies and Regenerative Medicine is funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, IP (FCT, IP). Each academic year, scholarships are available for ten outstanding PhD candidates.


More information:

Teaching language

Available soon

Degree pre-requisites

The international PhD Program Bioengineering – Cell Therapies and Regenerative Medicine comprises a 1st year of Advanced Studies (60 ECTS) followed by a 3-year research project (180 ECTS).

The 1st year aims to provide state-of-the-art theoretical background, advanced skills and hands-on experience in 3 Education-Research vectors:

(i) Stem Cell Biology,
(ii) Stem Cell Process Engineering and
(iii) Stem Cell-based Translational Medicine.


Conditions of admittance

The following individuals may apply for grants funded by FCT under the framework of this PhD programme: Portuguese citizens, or citizens of other European Union member states; Citizens of other countries who hold permanent residence permits in Portugal or who hold the status of long-term resident, attested to by the SEF, Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras, under the terms respectively of Law 23/2007 from 4th July, amended by law nº 29/2012 of 9th August; Other third country citizens, where the official announcement provides for individual interviews as selection method. For grants in which the plan of work is to be carried out fully in foreign institutions, only Portuguese citizens or individuals who hold permanent resident status in Portugal are eligible to apply.

Applicants must hold a Bologna Master degree or an equivalent 4/5 years degree, or be at the final stage of their degree, in medicine, biology, bioengineering or pharmaceutical fields. A strong academic background on medicine, pharmaceutical sciences, basic sciences (cellular and molecular biology, biochemistry, chemistry), or engineering and technology (biomedical engineering, biological engineering, biotechnology), will be required. Applicants particularly interested in clinical research/translational medicine and/or technological innovation will be given preference. Candidates with entrepreneurship spirit will be favored, as well as those with demonstrated team’s work abilities and highly motivated to integrate R&D projects. Candidates should be fluent in English since this is the official language of the PhD program.

Evaluation rules

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