Management of Statistical Systems


The fundamental purpose is to study the multiple dimensions of management of statistical systems. This study comprises a detailed knowledge of the organization and functioning of the national statistical system and its linkage to the international statistical system, in general, and to the European statistical system, in particular; understanding the key role of the planning function and challenges to statistical projects management; and thorough knowledge of the components present in efficient management of statistical information systems and statistical dissemination; and of the fundamental principles and management measures of the quality of statistics.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

João António Cadete de Matos


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language

Portuguese. If there are Erasmus students, classes will be taught in English


Not applicable.


The bibliography consists in a set of elements (papers, presentations, extracts from books, legal documents, link to Internet websites relevant for this course), compiled by the teachers and made available at Isegi Online. There are also websites particularly relevant for this curricular unit, namely those of International Organisations related to the statistical function. Equally important are the websites of National Central Banks and National Statistical Institutes. Teachers will provide links to specific websites or documents available online throughout the presentations made in the classroom.

Teaching method

The course will be delivered through presentations. Whenever possible, teachers will take advantage of audiovisual support and of Internet examples. It is foreseen theoretical lectures for the presentation of concepts and methods that integrate the content of the course and practical lectures for the presentation and discussion of concrete cases and practical application of the concepts.

Evaluation method

The curricular unit evaluation will comprise:
 -Practical exercises to be developed during the semester and when possible presented during the classes (20% of the final grade);
 - One written midterm test (40% of the final grade);
 - One end term test (40% of the final grade).
Students that do not accomplish a positive grade in the combination of these components of evaluation or that wish to improve the grade attained will have the possibility to make a final exam during the exams period, after the end of the semester.

Subject matter

1. Organisation and functioning of the statistical system
 - The role of Official Statistics
 - Organisation of the Central Bank statistical function
 - Institutional cooperation in the framework of the National Statistical System
 - Organisation of the European Statistical System and, more in general, of the International Statistical System
 - New challenges towards the integrated information management
2. Statistical function planning
 - Strategic planning
 - Programming the statistical activity
 - Management of statistical projects
3. Statistical data collection management
 - Typology of data sources and selection of the most efficient
 - Using administrative data sources
 - Big data - exploring micro databases for statistical purposes
4. Statistical quality management
 - Data Quality Assessment Framework
 - Integrated quality management procedures
 - Statistical audit
5. Management of statistical production systems
 - Statistical compilation value chain: acquisition, production, exploration and dissemination
 - Development of statistical data warehouses
 - Adding business intelligence to central banks' statistical systems
6. Statistical dissemination management
 - Development and management of metadata
 - Accessibility to central bank statistics
 - Transforming statistics information into knowledge
7. Statistical expertise development
 - Training and team building
 - Career development and promotion of multidisciplinary teams
 - International exchange of experiences