Financial Reporting


At the end of the semester students should be able to
-Frame and characterize the financial (banking and insurance) and non-financial (companies) sectors in terms of accounting and regulatory norms applicable;
-Understand the major concepts that are essential to the interpretation and analysis of the structure and content of the reported financial statements;
-Identify and quantify the assets, liabilities and equity instruments of both the financial and nonfinancial sectors, taking into account the specific features that distinguish these entities;
-Know the standards and regulatory requirements and oversight mechanisms in the financial sector
-Understand the organization and functioning of financial markets and their participants and distinguish the various financial instruments traded in each segment
-Understand and distinguish the different methods used to determine the fair value of financial instruments traded in the spot and derivative markets
-Know the methods used to quantify and manage the financial and technical risks

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Fábio Henrique Ferreira de Albuquerque


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language

Portuguese. If there are Erasmus students, classes will be taught in English




Bessis, J. (2010). Risk Management in Banking., 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons.; Cuthbertson, K. e Nitzsche, D. (2001), Investments, Spot and Derivative Markets, John Wiley & Sons.; ALMEIDA, Rui M.P., ALMEIDA, Maria do Céu, DIAS, Ana Isabel, ALBUQUERQUE, Fábio, CARVALHO, Fernando, PINHEIRO, Pedro, (2010) ¿SNC Casos Práticos e Exercícios Resolvidos¿, (Volumes I e II), ATF ¿ Edições Técnicas, Lisboa.; ALMEIDA, Rui M.P., DIAS, Ana Isabel, ALBUQUERQUE, Fábio, CARVALHO, Fernando, PINHEIRO, Pedro, (2010), ¿SNC Explicado¿, (2ª Edição), ATF ¿ Edições Técnicas, Lisboa.; EPSTEIN, Barry J. & JERMAKOWICZ, Eva K. (2010), ¿IFRS ¿ Interpretation and Application of International Financial Reporting Standards¿, Wiley.

Teaching method

-Expositional and Questioning Method Active Methods and Case Studies
-Investigation projects and practical applications.
-Knowledge development and learning capability.

Evaluation method

-Essays and/or problems solving activities
-Written exams

Subject matter

1.The accounting standards : International accounting harmonization , the national accounting standard
2.The reporting of non-financial corporations: The structure and content of financial statements; Complete set of financial statements, Presentation of individual financial statements; disclosures; Events after the balance sheet date; Changes in accounting policies, changes in estimates and errors
3.Recognition and measurement of assets, liabilities and equity: Nonfinancial assets; Investments; Provisions in nonfinancial sector; Liabilities for post-employment benefits and Other related standards: Brief notions.
4.Off balance sheet items: Contingent assets and liabilities of non- financial corporations
5.The reporting of financial corporations: The structure and content of financial statements; Disclosures; mandatory disclosure requirements, the reporting of risk: Identification and quantification.
6.Standards and regulatory requirements and oversight mechanisms : European architecture of financial supervision, Solvency II, Basel III.
7.Analysis, valuation and Risk Management of Financial Instruments: Classification of financial assets and liabilities, complex financial products, banking and insurance products, methods of fair value computation; Derivative financial instruments: characterization, pricing models (forward contracts / futures, FRAs, options Plain vanilla / exotic options, swaps); Pricing fixed / floating rate instruments; Analysis of profitability and risk; contingent assets and liabilities of financial corporations.