Statistics of Central Banks


The course "Central Banks’ Statistics" aims to present the key concepts, methodologies and analytical potentialities underlying these statistics by providing the knowledge that allows to properly analyzing the main official statistical outputs compiled by Banco de Portugal. According to its Organic Law and whilst Statistical Authority within the National Statistical System, Banco de Portugal is responsible for compiling and disseminating a set of statistics, with emphasis on Monetary and Financial Statistics, Balance of Payments and International Investment Position, and Financial Accounts.


The program of the course covers various statistical domains, where the concepts and methodologies associated will be explained and a brief analysis ​​of the results will be made. At the end of the course the student should:

  • Understand the main statistics compiled by Banco de Portugal and their contribute, namely, to the statistics of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Statistical System;

  • Knowing the respective legal framework, the sources of data and the methods used for their compilation and the international methodological recommendations to perform their register;

  • Be able to evaluate the quality of those statistics, correctly analyse them and to interpret the obtained results, as from the different instruments available for their dissemination;

  • Make international comparisons of the main statistical outputs.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Susana Filipa de Moura Lima


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language

Portuguese. If there are Erasmus students, classes will be taught in English


Not applicable.


¿Lei Orgânica do Banco de Portugal ¿ Lei n.º 5/98, de 31 de janeiro / ¿Organic Law of Banco de Portugal - Law No. 5/98, of 31 January; ¿Lei do Sistema Estatístico Nacional ¿ Lei n.º 22/2008, de 13 de maio / ¿ Law on the National Statistical System - Law No. 22/2008, of 13 May; ¿Regulamento relativo à compilação de informação estatística pelo Banco Central Europeu (BCE) ¿ Regulamento (CE) n.º 2533/98, de 23 de novembro, com as alterações introduzidas pelo Regulamento (CE) n.º 951/2009, de 9 de outubro e pelo Regulamento (UE) n.º 2015/373, de 5 de março / ¿Regulation concerning the collection of statistical information by the European Central Bank (ECB) - Regulation (EC) No. 2533/98, of 23 November, as amended by Regulation (EC) No. 951/2009, of 9 October and by Regulation (EU) No. 2015/373, of 5 March 2015 ; Bibliografia completa disponível em NOVA IMS Online. / Complete bibliography available in NOVA IMS Online.; 0

Teaching method

The classes are based on the theoretical exposition of the subjects, supported by the concrete analysis of published statistics. Whenever possible, audiovisual and internet features will be used. The possibility of inviting experts to conduct presentations on specific topics is foreseen. The participation in the classes and the involvement of the students in the analysis of the published statistics are encouraged.

Evaluation method

The evaluation of the course "Central Banks’ Statistics" is based on a continuous assessment scheme, which comprises two components: the intermediate test and the final test. To complete the course the student cannot have less than 8 nor in the intermediate test neither in the final test.

Subject matter

Monetary and Financial Statistics:

Monetary Financial Institutions Statistics

Monetary Aggregates

Monetary Survey

Balance Sheet of Banco de Portugal

Balance Sheet of Other Monetary Financial Institutions

Use of the Central Credit Register for statistical purposes

Interest rates

Non-Monetary Financial Institutions Statistics
External Statistics:

Balance of Payments Statistics

Current Account

Capital Account

Financial Account

International Investment Position and External Debt Statistics


Other Statistics of Central Banks:

Statistics on Non-Financial Corporations of the Central Balance Sheet Office