Customer Satisfacion and Loyalty Management
The main goal of this course is to present the metods that are adopted to measure,evaluate and manage customer satisfaction and loyalty. At the end of the course ,students should be prepared to use these methods and interprete its outputs.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Diego Costa Pinto
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Portuguese. If there are Erasmus students, classes will be taught in English
I is not mandatory but it is recomendable tht students have a good background on marketing,statistic and econometric methods.
Vilares, M. J.; Coelho, P. ¿ A Satisfação e a Lealdade do Cliente. Metodologias de Avaliação, Gestão e Análise., Escolar Editora.,2005; Vavra, T. G. ¿ Improving Your Measurement of Customer Satisfaction, ASQ Quality Press, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1997; 0; 0; 0
Teaching method
The lessons are of Theoretical-applied kind. Afer a theoretical presention by the teacher,each subjet of the programm is discussed through examples. The students are encouraged to carry on a pratical reasearch concerning customer satisfaction measuring that is followed by the teacher. The presentation of case studies is carried on by invited professionals that explain how customer satisfaction is measured and managed in their own enterprises.
Evaluation method
The assesment may assume one of the following modalities:
Modality A : The final classification is a weighted average : Final exam (with a weight of 50%) ; A projet that should cover a significativ number of the topics taught (with na weight of 50%)
Modality B: Final examen (with the weight of 100%).
The final classification corresponds to the highest of of the two values given by Modalities A and B-To be approuved,the candidate shold get a rate higher than 9,5 points (in a 0-20 scale) with a minimum of 8.5 points in the final examen.
Subject matter
- Introduction(Definition of Custoer satisfaction and loyalty,History of Customer Satisfaction, Approaches to measure cistomer satisfaction and loyalty)
- Customer satisfaction surveys
- Single Equation Custom satisfaction Models (Classical Rgerrsion Models,Logistic Regression Models, Other Regression Models);
- Multiequation Customer Satisfaction Models (Structural Equation Modelling);
- Basic Graphical Tools for Customer Satisfaction Measuring;
- Customer Satisfaction Indexes (ACSI and ECSI);
- Implementation of Customer Satisfacton Programs;
- Return on Quality and The Three Sigma Approach;
- Globalizing Satisfaction Measurement;
- Case Studies.
Programs where the course is taught: