Customer Relationship Management


At the conclusion of the course, the student should be capable of :

  • Using a marketing information system, market research, and statistical techniques to recognize the status of the customer base in terms of customer types, customer value, and customer psychology;
  • Suggesting financial and behavioral goals for customer segments or individuals, developing profit-enhancement and loyalty programs to increase the value of each segment or individual, and testing those programs for effectiveness.

General characterization





Responsible teacher


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language

Portuguese. If there are Erasmus students, classes will be taught in English




William G. Zikmund, Raymond McLeod, and Faye Gilbert: Customer Relationship Management: Integrating Marketing Strategy and Information Technology (Wiley 2003); Don Peppers and Martha Rogers: Managing Customer Relationships: A Strategic Framework (Wiley, 2004); David Shepard Associates: The New Direct Marketing: How to Implement a Profit-Driven Database Marketing Strategy, third edition (McGraw-Hill 1999); Arthur Hughes: Strategic Database Marketing: The Master Plan for Starting and Managing a Customer-Based Marketing Program, second edition (McGraw-Hill 2000); 0

Teaching method

Theoretical-practical classes and Project work developed during the semester.

Evaluation method

Test (35%), Projects (65%), Class Participation (5%)

Subject matter

  • Introduction to the disciplina: the problems of customer relationship management.
  • Brief review of customer valuation, data structures, and marketing information systems.
  • Customer touch-points, data collection, service quality, and information flow.
  • Customer Relationship Strategy: differentiation of customers, goals for customers based on customer value and needs.
  • Understanding the customer with customer segmentation tools.
  • Theory of customer loyalty: types of loyalty, mediating relationship status constructs (trust, satisfaction, etc.).
  • Effects of marketing actions on relationship status: drivers of customer equity.
  • Statistical tools for predicting changes in relationship status.
  • Developing profit-enhancing and loyalty programs.
  • Testing and evaluating loyalty programs.
  • Transforming the organization.
  • Privacy law and ethics.
  • The future of CRM.