Online Collaboration Tools


  • This module introduces the concepts inherent to the importance of collective intelligence in organizations as enhancer factor of productivity increase, innovation and better decision support;

  • Approach to paradigm shifts and the importance of collaborative work (mobile and in real time) as well as natively digital processes, mean for digital culture organizations;

  • Enter the way the new collaborative tools (designed natively for the digital work) enable new levels of interaction within the organization, with partners and customers ecosystems and is likely to generate new business models and opportunities;

  • Exploration, management and field of collaborative tools, Google Apps for Business.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Pedro Miguel Santos Félix Mendes


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language

Portuguese. If there are Erasmus students, classes will be taught in English



Bibliography; 0; 0; 0; 0

Teaching method

  • Theoretical classes complemented with practical applications;
  • Individual and team works;
  • Practical case studies.

Evaluation method

  • Presentations of applied cases (1st is graded at 20%; 2d graded at 20% and 3d graded at 20%) and final test (graded at 40%). Grades apply in a scale of 20.

  • Applied cases: 1st - Individual case of usage of Google Apps for Work applications in own organization and comparison with same industry;  2d - Group work and presentation on "Adoption factors and benefits of business applications in Google Apps for Work"; 3d - Group work and presentation on "Collaboration processes as key sucess factor in cultural digital transformation".

  • Approval in final test is obtained for a grade equal or superior to 9,5.

Subject matter

● Introduction - The knowledge and the importance of collaboration in the decision-making process:

  • Overview of the various market offerings

● The personal on-premises productivity tools and new digital collaborative tools:

  • Comparative analysis, benefits and impacts

  • Customer Case Studies

● Collaborative Tools Google Apps for Business:

  • Communication - Gmail / Calendar / Hangout / Google + (youtube channels)


Programs where the course is taught: