Geographic Information Systems Applications
It is the main objective of this Curricular Unit (UC) to put into perspective the concepts related to the design, development and management of geographic information systems (GIS) through the resolution of several practical examples adaptable to reality. The first two Learning Units (LU) will present the geoprocessing functionalities existing in ArcGIS Desktop 10.x software and describe the methods of creation, edition, import, presentation, and analysis of geographic data that this tool provides. The third LU is dedicated to three-dimensional analysis using the use of the ArcGIS 3D Analyst extension. The fourth LU addresses network analysis through the use of the ArcGIS Network Analyst extension. The fifth and final LU is dedicated to WebGIS based on free and open source software. In this LU are also presented some of the potentialities of GIS available in the cloud.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Pedro da Costa Brito Cabral
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Portuguese. If there are Erasmus students, classes will be taught in English
Mitchell A., 2001, ¿The ESRI Guide to GIS Analysis, Volume 1: Geographic Patterns and Relationships,¿ Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc., Redland California, 190 p. ISBN: 9781879102064
Mitchell A., 2005, ¿The ESRI Guide to GIS Analysis: Volume 2: Spatial Measurements & Statistics,¿ Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc., Redland California, 252 p. ISBN: 9781589481169
Allen D., 2013, "GIS Tutorial 2: Spatial Analysis Workbook Edition 3" (arcgis10.1) ESRI Press, Redlands California, 408 p. ISBN: 9781589483378ESRI
Teaching method
This UC will work from the date of the inaugural session until the day of the presentation of the works in the face-to-face session. During this time, students will be able to put questions to the chair teacher and must successfully complete the progression tests. Valid Virtual Campus courses will be considered valid until this last date.
The UC is divided into 5 CUs. The student can only move to the next UA after completing a progression test where he must obtain a minimum grade of 70%. The classifications of these exams do not count toward the final grade but deduct 5% for each examination not done until the day of the face-to-face seminar.
The synchronous sessions last 2 hours and are dedicated to the contents of the AU and some exercises are solved. The dates of the synchronous sessions are in the calendar that was published on the platform.
Evaluation method
The following components will be used in the evaluation:
- Final project (85%)
- 1 exercise (12.5%)
- ESRI Virtual Campus courses max. of 2, 1.25% each).
Subject matter
LU1: Introduction to ArcGIS
LU2: Spatial Analysis and geoprocessing tools. GIS in the cloud with arcGIS online.
LU3: 3D Analysis
LU4: Network Analysis
LU%: WebGIS with free open source software.
Programs where the course is taught: