Geographical Information Systems and Modelling


This curricular unit aims to provide the concepts needed for modelling spatial explicit processes. The course begins with an introduction to system analysis that gives the basis for conceptualizing and designing models of real processes. Logical models, or rule-based models, are presented. Dinamic models, that integrate time, area also explored (agent-based and cellular automata models). Finally, models for studying ecosystem services are discussed.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Pedro da Costa Brito Cabral


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language

Portuguese. If there are Erasmus students, classes will be taught in English




GIS, Spatial Analysis, and Modeling, Eds. by Michael Batty, David Maguire, Michael Goodchild, Esri Press (2005)

Teaching method

Sinchronous sessions and email support. Exercises. Project implementation. The final project theme is selected by the student.

Evaluation method

Final project: 55%
Exam: 30%
1 exercise: 15%
Virtual campus: up to 2.5% bonus (maximum 2 courses)
Progression exams (-5% for each incomplete exam)

Subject matter

Module 1: Introduction to modelling.
Module 2: Rule-based models.
Module 3: Spatial statistic models.
Module 4: Dynamic models.