Web Analytics


Today, the Internet and all the services that are linked to it are a source of data of an extreme dimension. This information is a source of knowledge that can be a critical factor in the success of organizations. The main objective of the course is the application of quantitative methodologies to the data generated by Websites and by its integration with other sources of data. Furthermore, to explore how these analyses and knowledge can be incorporated in the decision processes.

General characterization





Responsible teacher


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language

Portuguese. If there are Erasmus students, classes will be taught in English


Basic Web and Digital Marketing knowledge.


Kaushik, Avinash (2010) ¿Web Analytics 2.0: The Art of Online Accountability and Science of Customer Centricity¿. Wiley publishing, inc.; Brent Dykes (2011) ¿Web Analytics Action Hero: Using Analysis to Gain Insight and Optimize Your Business¿. Peachpit; Hunt, Ben (2011) ¿Convert!: Designing Web Sites to Increase Traffic and Conversion¿. Wiley publishing, inc.; Advanced Web Metrics with Google Analytics (Paperback) by Brian Clifton; 0

Teaching method

Theoretical classes for introducing the basic concepts of the Web Analytics field.
Presentation and discussion of Case Studies.
Practical classes with exercises.
Development of group projects.

Evaluation method

The evaluation will be based on the class participation and attendance, a group project and also a formal final examination.
The group project must be done in groups of 4 students. Each project should have the maximum of 20 pages and 5000 words excluded appendix.
The formal final examination will include questions covering all subjects addressed during the term. It will include theoretical questions that represent 60% and practical ones that represents 40% of the points. To pass a minimum of 9.5 out of 20 points must be obtained in the final exam.
Final grade calculation (both for 1st and 2nd Period):
a) 50% Group Project
b) 50% Exam
c) +10% plus for class participation and attendance

Subject matter

1. Overview of web analytics
1.1. The old paradigm of web analytics 1.0
1.2. Key questions associated with web analytics 2.0 1.3. Definition of web analytics 2.0
1.4. Change: yes we can!

2. The awesome world of clickstream analytics: metrics
2.1. Standard metrics revisited: eight critical web metrics:
  1. 2.1.1.  Visits and visitors
  2. 2.1.2.  Time on page and time on site
  3. 2.1.3.  Bounce rate
  4. 2.1.4.  Exit rate
  5. 2.1.5.  Conversion rate
2.1.6. Engagement
  1. 2.2.  Web metrics demystified
  2. 2.3.  The awesome world of clickstream analytics: practical applications
  3. 2.4.  Metrics solutions
3. Evolution of Pricing Models and Funnel Conversion
3.1. Definition of cost models (CPC, CPM, CPA...)
3.2. Advantages and disadvantages of cost models
3.3. Practical examples and demonstration of comparative tables 3.4. Funnel: from attention to conversion
3.5. The role of landing pages
3.6. Anatomy of a landing page and importance for conversion 3.7. Analysis of the client / campaign situation

4. Web Analytics Framework
4.1. Analytics Thinking
4.2. Objectives definition
4.3. Web Analytics Framework: practical applications

5. Google Analytics
  1. 5.1.  Introduction to Google Analytics
    1. 5.1.1.  How Google Analytics works
    2. 5.1.2.  Accounts, profiles and users