Organizations Behavior
In addition to technical skills, ITS professionals should understand the social and professional context of information and computer technologies. This course aims to be an introduction to the main theories, concepts and practical applications of the field of study of Organizational Behavior. It covers the most important issues facing organizations, managers and employees in today’s companies. Besides training the students in the application of theoretical perspectives in the analysis of concrete organizational cases, it also aims to call their attention to the importance of social and human dimensions in the functioning of organizations.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Natividade Helena Mateus Jerónimo
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Portuguese. If there are Erasmus students, classes will be taught in English
Robbins, Stephen P., and Timothy A. Judge (2017), Organizational Behavior, 17th ed., Pearson.
Teaching method
Lectures are theoretical and pratical.
Evaluation method
Option 1)
Continuous Assessment + Exam
+ Class attendance: 5%
+ Group resolution of 1 case study (written essay) (15%) and oral presentation/discussion in the classroom (10%);
+ individual test of continuous assessment (done half term; consultation of additional material is forbidden): 30%
+ Individual exam (consultation of additional material is forbidden): 40%
Those students who successfully complete all phases of the continuous assessment may choose to sit their exam in the 1st or 2nd season
Option 2)
Individual exam (for those students not included in continuous assessment, whereby consultation of additional material is forbidden): 100%
Subject matter
1. Introduction to the field of organizational behavior
The particular case of computing’ organizations
2. Foundations of individual behavior
Diversity in organizations
Attitudes and emotions
Personality and values
Perception and individual decision making
Motivation: from concepts to applications
3. Foundations of group behavior
Groups: structure, properties and decision
Interpersonal and organizational Communication
Leadership and power
Programs where the course is taught: