Personal Development II


1. To identify and develop behavioral skills required and valued by organizations; 2. To integrate inner habits for a successful professional career;
3. To design a personal action plan and a structured strategy for a successful integration on the working place. 

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Marco Octávio Trindade Painho


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language

Portuguese. If there are Erasmus students, classes will be taught in English


Not applicable 


Inteligência Emocional, Goleman, Daniel ; Os 7 hábitos das pessoas altamente eficazes, Covey, Stephen R. ; The Brand You, Peters, Tom ; Job Search Strategies: Get a Good Job... Even in a Bad Economy, Clarkson, Bud ; The Elements of Resume Style: Essential Rules and Eye-Opening Advice for Writing Resumes and Cover Letters, Bennett, Scott

Teaching method

Theoretical and practical classes, project design and students' presentations on the items covered by the different modules. 

Evaluation method

Theoretical knowledge test (20%)
Public individual presentation (35%)
Written job application: motivation cover letter & resumée (40%)
Class attendance (5%) 

Subject matter

Personal marketing.
Employment market.
Transversal skills.
The 4 dimensions of Emotional Intelligence Daniel Goleman?s Model: self- awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management.
Job search strategies, employment cover letters, curriculum vitae, job interviews and up-to-date marketplace overview.
How to present oneself and competencies developed during the course with assertiveness and impact.
Communication and teamwork.