Information and Informatics Law


1. To understand the basic legal concepts
2. To be familiar with the main characteristics of the legal system
3. To understand the difference between legal system and other normative systems
4. To identify the major institutions of the State
5. To understand the essential role of these institutions, besides their functioning
6. To identify the main regulation in the technology systems domain
7. To identify the essential legal issues concerning information and informatics
8. To understand the importance of regulation in this field
9. To be familiar with the evolution of this regulation  across times
10. To understand the different legal regimes applicable in this area
11. To identify criminal behaviors committed through the use of information technology
12. To be able to establish a connection among all concepts and issues approached, from the beginning of the course

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Fernando Manuel Sacramento Gonçalves


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language

Portuguese. If there are Erasmus students, classes will be taught in English




Gonçalves, Maria Eduarda, Direito da Informação - Novos Direitos e Formas de Regulação na Sociedade da Informação, 2.ª ed., Coimbra: Almedina, 2003; Martins, A. G. Lourenço, Marques, J. A. Garcia, Dias, P. Simões, Cyberlaw em Portugal. O direito das tecnologias da informação e da comunicação. Famalicão e Lisboa: Centro Atlântico, 2004; Barney, Darin, The Network Society, Cambridge: Polity Press, 2004; Castro, Catarina Sarmento e, Direito da Informática, Privacidade e Dados Pessoais, Coimbra: Almedina, 2005; Samuelson, Pamela, ¿Five challenges for regulating

Teaching method

The curricular unit is primarily based on theoretical and practical classes, aiming a permanent interaction with and among students in order to do a practical approach of the issues under study. Part of the sessions will be dedicated to the resolution and discussion of exercises.

Evaluation method

1st call
- Midterm (20%)
- Final exam (60%)
- Group project (20%)
2nd call
- Final exam (80%)
- Group project (20%)

Subject matter

The curricular unit is organized in five Learning Units:
I. Basic legal concepts
   1. Definition and characteristics of law
   2. The major institutions of the State
   3. The Jurisdictional function
   4. Sources of law
II. Informatics law
    1. Software
    2. Patents, trademarks and domain names
    3. Databases
    4. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) contracts 
    5. Electronic transactions
III. Legal protection of personal data
IV. Copyright
    1. Nature
    2. Entitlement
    3. Protection
V. Cybercrime